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Not sure what I saw

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TokeMeTraynor, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I was recently browsing some forums somewhere, and I saw a video somebody had posted. It was basically a bunch of clips of people smoking.
    For about 2 seconds of the video I saw a guy smoking what looked to be a steamroller on top of a vial from a chemistry lab

    the bowl was in the steamroller lookin thingy, and their was what I would assume to be a glass tube of sorts descnding into the vial, which was filled with water.

    Iv looked all over the Internet trying to find what this was, and how to make one. Anybody know?

    Also I can't find the link to the video, so no help there :/
  2. Umm, a bong?
  3. Ye lol man, youre kinda describing a bong. So here it goes

    BONGS: Bongs are by far ONE of the best ways to smoke. Basically Bong is a herb smoking paraphernalia. The smoke you breathe in is filtered through water and is very nice and smooth. Bongs usually always deliver you the kind of high that is just awesome. The part of the bong where you put weed is called the BOWL. Then it goes to STEM which is connected to the "chemistry vial" lol. The air you suck in creates the vacuum above the water, which makes the heated weed smoke come through water into the bong and then you inhale nice water-filtered smoke by putting your mouth to the mouthpiece. Bongs can vary from tiny tiny ones, which are called bubblers (correct me if im wrong since i never smoked bubblers) to ENORMOUS STATESQUE creations that can reach incredible heights. One of the best bong brands out there are perhaps the RooR bongs (the one which i have now). Bongs may have many "chambers" which are filled with water and filter smoke even more. Bongs can be mainly divided into two categories: the ones with "carb" and the one with "slider". You can make a home made bong, but it wont be as good as comercially sold ones. If you go to a shop that sells bongs, never ask the workers for a "bong". They are addressed as "water pipes"

    How To Smoke a Bong: You "pack" the bowl with weed, which means you put the weed in the bong, not too tight to allow the air circulate and not too lose.
    Just in the middle.
    1)This is called MILKING THE BONG. You put the mouthpiece to your mouth and you take a lighter and move it very close to the weed. Then you breathe in the air through the bong, which makes the weed catch on fire, and smoke to fill in the bong. Your bong should be very "foggy" inside, which is how you know its a good hit. You have to breathe in up until you have 70 to 80% of your lungs full. Then the most important and "tricky" part comes up.
    2) CARB!!!If you are smoking a bong with a carb( a small hole on the side of the bong) then while you are doing the 1st stage, you should put your finger over the carb. when you feel like your lungs are nearly full, you take your finger off the carb, and inhale the smoke that is in the bong untill you can see through the bong again. Then you proceed to breathe out this smoke after 5-6 seconds of holding it in
    SLIDER: in my opinion, sliders are less tricky. Basically slider enables you to take off the bowl when you are done milking the bong. You then breathe the smoke in, allowing the clean air to enter the bong through the hole from the removed bowl. And then hold in the smoke from 5 to 6 seconds and here you go, your first hit.

    I hope my post helped, and excuse me for any inaccuracies or grammatical errors since i am not a native speaker. I hope you enjoy your high. I will respond to any further questions
  4. dude nice description +rep

  5. How nice of you : ) thank you
  6. #6 TokeMeTraynor, Jan 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2010
    mm ya i understand the concept of a bong haha, i had a nice glass blackleaf icebong, till my friend dropped it :eek:

    however this was not a bong, at least none like iv ever seen

    the shape could best be described as

    ..........| |
    ........./_ \

    the )=======( is a long glass tube, almost like a steamroller. the * is the bowl piece.

    underneath was actually a vial of sorts from a chemistry lab, with the graduated markings and everything, so im assuming it was homemade. there was a glass stem from the bowl down into the vial, which was full of water. the smoke would descend into the vial, filter upwards through the water, and fill the steamroller, where the guy carbed it and inhaled. it looked like a monster hit from a fairly unique bong, and id like to try it
  7. Yeah, it sounds like a bong with a huge shotgun and just a different shape.
  8. Ooo now that looks like a hookah. Lol if u know bout the bongs then sorry for the "encyclopedia article" lol : )
    I smoked a lot of hookahs, but the only difference is that hookahs have hoses rather than long ass glass tubes.
    Have a nice day
  9. :pPoor guy wrote a damn book and you already know what a bong is haha
  10. sounds like a long bubbler steam roller contraption.
  11. least he got some rep for it lol.

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