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Not sure what I saw

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TokeMeTraynor, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I was recently browsing some forums somewhere, and I saw a video somebody had posted. It was basically a bunch of clips of people smoking.
    For about 2 seconds of the video I saw a guy smoking what looked to be a steamroller on top of a vial from a chemistry lab

    the bowl was in the steamroller lookin thingy, and their was what I would assume to be a glass tube of sorts descnding into the vial, which was filled with water.

    Iv looked all over the Internet trying to find what this was, and how to make one. Anybody know?
  2. could you maybe draw it out? It's hard to tell by your explanation
  3. just post the link to the video for us to check it out
  4. Sounds like a bong...?
  5. So basically like a steamroller with a bubbler kinda thing on it?

    Kinda like this, but clear I'm guessing?


    I'm not sure what you'd call it, but I've seen a few around before.
  6. that thing is sweet.. never seen one of those. would be awesome to have one!
  7. That looks like a sick piece.

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