Not sure if this belongs here.

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by kingmajin, Feb 20, 2011.

  1. #1 kingmajin, Feb 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2011
    as it says, i am not sure if this goes in this part of the site, but i'm not sure where it should go. if not here, someone tell me where i should post it (assuming it doesn't break any rules) and i will post it there. i posted this originally on my facebook, but i love this community, so i will paste it here. i will take criticism, btw. just don't be a dick, lol.

    well, it's official. my brother told my mom i smoke. idk what will happen, but she said one of her ideas is to send me to a rehab clinic.....for weed. yeah. i wanna fucking burn one so bad. i mean, i understand where she comes from. now, the only thing she has against it, i found, is that it's illegal. now, that is a very valid reason for not wanting her son to do it. difference is, i would imagine she would rather me do legal killers. tobacco comes to mind. i do it sometimes, but i limit it. why? it's legal, right? yeah, but it's harmful as fuck. anything grown with hulk-inducing shit would be, lol. for real ,, i smoke pot. why? i'm not even gonna list of the benefits. everyone knows them by now, or refuses to accept that this "drug" was just made illegal because the "great U.S. government" (oxymoron, lol) can't make money. money which, btw, is made from hemp, ie, the male cannabis plant. tobacco is one of the most widely used drugs in existence, besides the natural form of dmt. (used automatically by your body, but whatever) deaths per year are in the hundreds of thousands. pot? well, a big fat 0 in since it's discovery. hemp can be made into paper, clothing, cleaning supplies in general, rope, cleaner oil and fuel, the seeds can be eaten and has more of certain(don't remember. i think it's protein) vitamins/minerals than any other seed. marijuana produces a smoke that does not correlate with lung and throat damage/cancer. if that isn't a god's honest miracle, idk what is. do i want to smoke weed? yes i do. will i continue? i'll try to. yes, it's illegal (for bullshit, but still) do i want to be in jail? no. do i want to sacrifice my freedoms for the ignorance of people? also no. so...we must see what happens. if i get thrown out or something because i smoke weed, fuck it. i'm tired of being told what to do with my own body like i am some sort of slave. it seems immature to be acting like this, some people might say. "wow, if you are in this bad of a situation, just stop doing it. it's not worth it." i can understand that. however, i am a person who enjoys having free-will. you might like bowing to people's wills, but i don't. i have my entire life. i'm trying to take a stand. legalise the green, stop the hate, peace, love, and pot. have a wonderful day.

    btw, sorry if i sound a bit..aggressive here. i just get really passionate. i've had people control my actions all of my life. i'm just..a really nice guy. quiet, doesn't speak up for himself, etc...yall can understand why i get so...into....this kind of situation.
  2. I agree completely. And i also agree on whether it should or should be in this section. Hmm

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