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Not sure how to deal with this girl situation...

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by TheTastyFish, Nov 7, 2014.

  1. So, there's this girl I've known for a while, and she's super cool. She's sweet and nice, and reeeeally attractive all that jazz. A couple months ago we smoked a joint in the quad of our campus after a football game, and it was super awesome.
    But I've never been able to really make a move because I've had a girlfriend the whole time I've known this girl.

    Well lately I've been having doubts about my relationship. I'm in college, and am always around people who share the same interests as me, and my girlfriend is doing online high school (she's a senior). I've been feeling like I've outgrown the relationship, and need to move on.

    Last night, the other girl sent a picture of some kief she just got and so we started talking about smoking, and after a little talking she said we should get lunch. So earlier today, we had lunch on campus, then walked to her house and watched Netflix. I knew she had a boyfriend, but she also knows I have a girlfriend, so I totally wasn't expecting anything to happen between us. The whole time felt kinda weird though, because I think maybe she was expecting me to make a move, but I didn't. I casually asked how she and her boyfriend were doing, and the answer basically summed up to "not so great" because he always cancels plans for lame reasons.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what to make of all of this. Did I do the right thing by staying faithful to my diminishing relationship, or did I pass up an opportunity I may not get back? Any thoughts or questions are welcome!

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  2. carpe diem! dump the kid and make a move.
  3. #3 ByePhilipe, Nov 7, 2014
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2014
    My thoughts are...

    You're the guy she seeks out who is attentive while her boyfriend, who's affections she truly wants, ignores her.

    I wouldn't think much of it unless she's worth a shit ton of possible drama. Leave it alone.
  4. U guys should hook up each other's bf and gf with each other so u guys can be free to go out
  5. I'm just gonna keep it 100%, it sounds to me like she wouldn't mind if u two were friends with benefits. If she don't bring up her bf why the hell are u??
  6. Because he wanted to test the waters without causing too many waves. 
    Just be straight up with her and ask if the situation called for it (you both had no SO) would she want to try things out with you. If not, you can stop wasting your time and go after someone else. If you're not cool with the relationship you're in, you should break it off regardless of what this girl says.
  7. Thanks to everyone who replied! Since the original post, I have broken up with my girlfriend. I was truthful and let her know that I felt like we've been growing apart for a while, and it was time we moved on.
    I haven't talked to the other girl much though, because I'm not trying to find a rebound, you know? I still want to spend time with her, but not in any intimate setting yet. I think I'll wait until the semester's over here a UNR, before I try to make real plans with her.

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