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Not Standing Up For a Passion

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Citadel, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. #1 Citadel, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2011
    I'm going to preface this post with a little bit of my backstory: I have been enjoying marijuana for the past 5 months, ever since I started college. After the first time that I smoked marijuana, I immersed myself in the culture surrounding the plant. I did my research, watched every single documentary and even gave a speech on how it should be legalized. I always made sure that my interest in marijuana was a passion, and not a mental addiction - the only true way to do this was by knowing myself, my limits and to get the concrete reasons for why I indulge in marijuana down:

    I am not stressed or depressed; I do not get chronic pain or am in need of medicine to deal with any part of my life, such as A.D.D or anything like that, and I am thankful for that. So then why do I indulge in marijuana? It is my wine with dinner, my occasional beer at a football game. I do not use marijuana because I want to escape life, but because I enjoy what it adds to my life.

    I make sure to keep my grades up and to remain social. This is to disprove any stereotypes that people have towards stoners. As a result, I have a 3.7 GPA and more friends than I have ever had my entire life, and some of them don't even smoke marijuana. I even tutor other students in subjects such as Calculus.

    So over this past winter break, I decided to try to share my passion with my parents. I knew that my parents grew up in the "hippie" era and almost definitely experimented with it before. When I first brought it up, they told me that they used to smoke hash and just to be careful about where I get it from, which I agreed with. Then I offered to possibly smoke with them, this is when things went downhill.

    My mother told me to reassure her that I am not trying to make myself dumber by smoking marijuana by killing off my brain cells. I was tempted to tell her about the studies that prove that marijuana does not kill off anymore braincells than breathing regularly, but I did not want to anger her, because we do have a strong relationship that I did not want to damage. With that being said, I feel really bad for not standing up for a passion, and even worse for continuing to let misinformation about this plant be spread.

    I do not know if I will get another opportunity to stand up for cannabis, and frankly I do not know if it will matter. It can often be fruitless to throw facts in someone's face, especially when they're you're parent.

    So what's the point of this thread? This just happened a few hours ago, but I realized that the only way that change will ever happen is if we stop being afraid of being judged, and to stand up for our passion of cannabis. Unfortunately, I have failed on taking the first step, but maybe in time this will be remedied.

  2. Same exact thing happened with my mom.

    She had to find my stuff before she confronted me though. Told me I could die because I don't know what I'm buying, and the 'legal' stuff from headshops would kill me.

    I didn't bother arguing, said sorry, and left it at that...I felt like I was less of a person after just not doing anything about something I believe in.
  3. Blow smoke in her face, THEN talk.
  4. I'm a strong believer in standing up for what your passionate about.

    Whenever I doubt myself I think about one thing.

    What if people Like Martin Luther King never stood up for what they believed in?
  5. You could always bring up the issue again, the choice is yours.
  6. It's ok. You'll get 'em next time. You did a speech, afterall... so that is one good thing. :D
  7. I actually had excellent luck when I explained marijuana to my father, my mom has always been pretty cool with it. My dad doesn't know I smoke but he now knows that it isn't nearly as harmful as he was taught it was 'back in the day.'

    Don't know if I will ever tell him that I was lit practically every single day I lived with him, but none-the-less I was proud that he actually looked into the studies I told him to look into.
  8. Uh... Honestly, some people just wont listen. She probably grew up hearing all the propaganda, don't be surprised if talking to her would just make matters worse. My mom was a stoner, however nowadays, she HATES that I smoke. Im close with my mom, but, I know what is right and sometimes, you just gotta go against the grain.

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