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Not smoking because of no food

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by charlymurphy, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Has anyone ever done this? Im thinking about blazing right now but i always get intense munchies and i dont have crap at my house right now.. Im thinking about just not smoking right now because im going to be hungry the whole time and wont be able to satisfy it :mad:
  2. yeah man i know what you mean, but you gotta admit, being high anyway is still pretty fun. You might have munchies, but you're still high as hell lol
  3. i would just focus on something else other than eating. Munchies aren't usually a problem for me though.
  4. Nah..I'd never not smoke because there is a limited amount of food. Just smoke and eat what you got!
  5. Drink copious amounts of water while smoking and you should be relatively full.
  6. Lol! being a college kid...aka broke and hungry( all money goes to product, gotta have yo priorities straight...I have to subject myself to the furies of an aching stomach, for which the only cure to the pain is food, or more toking, i can only go with option number 2, and so the vicious cycle repeats..
  7. what if you get high and go hunting for some animals, and then you try to make a delicious meal with them. It could be an awesome adventure

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