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Not remembering much after smoking.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Slushy, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Does anyone else not remember what happened when they were high?
  2. I dont need to remember. I do the same thing every time, get high, eat, watch tv or play videogames, then pass out.
  3. Never a total blackout no. Then again I usually remember most of the night when I drink too.
  4. yeah, my theory is that you don't remember because you realize its pointless to pay attention to the pointless details. :smoking:
  5. what is going on in here???

    ...... carry on
  6. What the hell, I don't even recall posting this....
  7. [quote name='"Slushy"']Does anyone else not remember what happened when they were high?[/quote]

    Yeah I don't ever remember very well, it's kinda pissing me off. Can anyone give suggestions on how to remember shit better? I don't remember enough of my birthday party from last Saturday.
  8. i tend to forget the specifics sometimes ,

    but if i really try to remember i can usually piece things together and figure out what i did Lol
  9. Glad it's not just me. I can remember everything before and after but not during most of the time.
  10. I have some selective memories of when I'm high. They usually don't manifest themselves for a day or two though. The morning after I certainly can't remember anything beyond getting high and playing videogames.
  11. To a certain extent. If it's something important/interesting i'll remember it. It's common to experience short term memory issues with weed at least while you're high.

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