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not remembering anything

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by irie vibes, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. i was at a concert the other day and i blazed with some friends. i didnt smoke much since my tolerance is super low (maybe like half a bowl and then another half bowl about an hour later), but i remember i was flying pretty good. anyways, there were three bands that came on with intermissions in between, and i remember most of the first band and most of the second band just fine. where things get sketchy in my head is right before the third band started. after that point all i can remember are like images here and there and some thoughts i had, but its not like a coherent memory until the very end of the night when stuff started to clear up. at first i was kinda bummed i couldn't remember anything because i was really looking forward to the concert, but i was cool with it cuz i figured i had a really good time and got way more stoned than im used to, but then i talked to a friend who smokes a lot and he made it sound like this was something that shouldnt have happened regardless of how much i smoked. i dont think the weed was laced or anything but there was a sketchy guy who kept looking over at me all night and bumping into me and stuff, so im just curious if u guys think he may have slipped me something in my drink or if i just greened out. i know nothing happened after that cuz i was there with friends, im just kinda curious at this point
  2. When I smoked for the first time in a few months, I mixed it with alcohol too. I remember smoking at around 10, with 5 or six beers already in me, then having another. The next thing i remember, I woke up at the movies at 2 am with 2 chicks, one of which I'd never met, and a different shirt.

    So you probably just can't remember anything cuz you were fucked up like me :p
  3. i guess everyone is different. I've smoked myself into different worlds and was able to remember it all. I would not assume some random creepy guy wasted his money on drugs to go to a concert and drug you for no reason. Unless he had a reason, then he didn't follow up very well and you got a free high out of the deal. Win win

  4. haha sounds like fun but my drink wasnt alcoholic. it was actually just ice with a little water in it by the time i got back out on the floor
  5. i found tht i could remember the high but i had ALOT of trouble watching movies high or things like tht becasue i could not remember it. i could usually remember the beginnig and the end but the middle where i peaked was like it never happened
  6. This has happened to me before after I smoked way to much. I was really inexperienced at the time, and really didn't know my limit. Was smoking out of a little bong for the first time, and was just ripping bowls the whole night while my friends were drinking. I couldn't drink, I forget the reason why. But that means that alcohol had no effect on me. I barely remembered shit the next day, and my friends told me that I was just sitting in the chair the whole night and that I got really paranoid about everything. I was 15 at the time so w/e.

    I think the term is "greening out." But someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I think that means like actually passing out from from smoking to much. Which you obviously didn't do, because your friends would of told you.

    But I wouldn't worry about it though, probably just had a really fun night.

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