not really too handy.........BEST CUTTING TOOL????????

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by potblower, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. tryin to cut up some plywood type material to divide my closet, also wanted to cut some holes in the BB but dont have jack to cut w/, no drill, what do you guys use for stuff like this,,,,,,,,,,,,,,btw iam no handy man byfar, but a grow room is simple once u get the basics in there
  2. Oh I don't know..... I would use something like a SAW!...

    Sorry bro, but you aren't going to cut plywood or anything like it with shere's or something like that if your asking.....

    Go to home-de-pot! That's where I bought and had them cuz ALL of the plywood I used to build my grow room. They cut it for free. Just make sure to measure twice/cut once
  3. buy a cheap jig saw cuz ull prob cut ur finger off with a sawzaw
  4. I would buy or borrow a drill to make your holes. You can get a cheap power drill for around $35 or so and you'll find many uses for it. You're going to need hole saw bits for your drill, they're not too expensive and come in a variety of sizes.
  5. I used a rotozip tool

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