Not noticing improvement?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by hockeyman07, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Refering to upper body/chest/arms workout..

    I have had a gym membership since January of last year. I was usually going 2-3 times a week doing mostly upper body workotus with machines and free weights.

    I am a small guy, so I started off (last year) benching 95 lbs and I have only gotten up to 105-115 lbs. I usually try to get a decent amount of protein and water in after working out and recently started to drink whey protein.

    Why would this be that I am not seeing or improving to far?

  2. your diet.

    also, squat.
  3. gimme your workout info and diet and i'll tell you exactly why you aren't improving
  4. Try this beginner routine I just threw together for ya. Stay with it for 2 months then switch it up.

    Monday - Chest/Triceps

    Bench - 5X10
    Incline Bench - 5X10
    Flys - 5X10
    Dips - 5X10
    Kickbacks - 5X10

    Tuesday - Back/Biceps/Forearms

    Deadlift - 5X10
    Rows - 5X10
    Pull-ups - 5X10
    EZ bar curls - 5X10
    Preacher curls - 5X10
    Wrist curls, back and front. - 5X10

    Wednesday - Legs

    Squats - 5X10
    Leg curls - 5X10
    Leg Extensions - 5X10
    Calf raises - 5X10
    Lunges - 3X10 (Always do these at end of workout, I guarantee you'll kill your quads. Use heavy dumbells to do so. If you fall get back up and make yourself do it again. Trust me.)

    Thursday - Shoulders/Forearms

    Rocky Presses - 5X10 (If these are too hard for you since your a beginner do military presses instead)
    Lateral Raises - 5X10
    Front Raises - 5X10
    Bent over lateral raise - 5X10
    Shrugs - 5X25
    Wrist curls, back and front. - 5X10

    Try to eat 1 gram of protein for every pound you weight. I weight 150 lbs so I eat 150+ grams of protein a day. Drink a lot of milk for calories and protein if you don't like eating.

    If your taking whey I suggest a shake in the morning right when you get up and a shake directly after you workout. That's when your body needs to be replenished the most.

    Eat 2500-3000 calories and try not to get into too much of that fatty foods and I promise you. As long as you do this, you'll grow.
  5. squat, squat, squat

  6. This post is all win!

    You gotta work out your legs or your wasting time.. Squat and dead lift intill you can't do anymore.. Then do 3 more sets!

    Also cycle In some creatine mono you'll be able to add 15 pound temporary which is nice if your 'under weight'.. Shitty cause your first year is your noob gains.. Are you working out till failure?
  7. You're probably not eating enough and/or your form sucks. And maybe you could benefit from throwing in some assistance exercises like shoulder presses.

    Watch all of this series. You will improve your form for sure by taking note of Dave Tate's advice.

    [ame=]YouTube - So You Think You Can Bench?[/ame]

    We need more information though. How many sets/reps are you doing? How much do you weigh? Why is your routine mostly upper body? What are your goals, etc. ?
  8. another thing, stop with the whey protein. it is just toxic sludge throwing your body off.

    try hemp protein... or hemp seeds.

    google it or whatever to buy it.

    whey doesnt do anything besides line your intestines with it. thats why after taking it for os long you notice a bloated belly almost... thats the whey stuck to your intestines.
  9. Yeah, I'm gonna try squatting and stick with the rest.

    I like the whey protein, don't need to buy the hemp:p

    Tips to improve diet? I don't drink a lot of sugar, try to get decent amount of fruit, whole grains, meats etc...

  10. win qft.

  11. also eat a lot you probably need to bulk if you're not benching the big wheels yet...

  12. I've never noticed that at all. I call bullshit. Source?
  13. Source: bullshit psuedoscience

    Like come on man.... whey protein sticks to the inside of your intestines, causing a bloated belly to appear? That makes no sense.

    Whey protein doesn't do anything? Wut? Whey protein is one of the safest and most effective supplements you can put in your body. There are numerous studies indicating that whey protein does "something". Whey protein encourages fat loss and increases lean muscle when used correctly.

    Source: A whey-protein supplement increases fat loss and spares lean muscle in obese subjects: a randomized human clinical study


    I don't see anything about whey protein collecting in the intestines there, probably because that notion is entirely made up.
  14. I worked out using P90X and running daily for a month and could start to see my abs form, aswell as all everything being muscular :D. I was having protein drinks after each workout and it helped my gains so much. Haven't worked out for a month but im starting back today. Oh and I can't stress this enough, eat lean meat! Tuna for example is amazing for your body;)
  15. to gain weight eat more carbs with protein . to lose weight eat less carbs with protien. don't just work your upper body. your body wants to grow in proportion . add squats in the mix , get the testosterone pumping and u WILL see results. just never give up. biggest thing with working out is to be consistant . keep showing up and good things will happen,believe me. happy tokin':smoke:.

  16. +2 internetz for you :smoke:

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