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Not Liking it anymore

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Johnywilks, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Ive only smoked 5 times, the first 2 times were Really good experiences. I may have a got a bit paranoid but they were still great. Used a proper bong both times. first 2 were like 10-13 hits out of a bong

    The last 3 times-
    3rd time- by myself, didnt really feel anything ( didnt smoke a huge amount) used an apple. 2 hits out of an apple
    4th time- didnt really feel any different. 3hits out of an apple

    5th time- Was with mates again but it felt like i was just faking it and everyone else was faking it. Took about 5-6 hits out of an apple

    Why arnt i enjoying in anymore, i though the first 10 times were ment to be the best
  2. applepipe is the problum bro get a nice glass pipe or a mflb
  3. You probably aren't liking it because you capitalize arbitrarily.

    Nah.. but in all seriousness, you aren't liking it anymore because you aren't getting high. You ripped a bong thirteen times and then expect a few hits from an apple bowl to put you on the same level? Let's be real, now. Smoke more, smoke multiple ways, and figure out what different amounts of weed, potencies, and pieces do what. Eventually you'll lose the complete silly giddy-ness of the first few times you smoke, but it's tough for me to imagine you ever wont "Not Like it anymore"

    I don't really know where you heard the first ten times are the best... It's not like Molly and you don't just "lose the magic" all of a sudden. I can still smoke a fat blunt between friends and be just as high as ever.. even if not quite on the same "stupid-high" levels of my first experience.

    Also, try to hold your hits. Bongs force you to do this, sometimes pipes don't and you might end up mouth-smoking the weed, which is a total waste.
  4. i agree. personally i'd choose a nice glass bong. apple hits arent shit man.
  5. how many times do you have to smoke ( average) before you lose that stupid high, laughing all the time? ( because thats what made me enjoy it the first few times). I still laugh a bit more than usual , but most the time i feel like im faking it

    Could it be possible i have already gone pass it?

    How does the high fee once you have gone past the stupid high?
  6. Its partly genetic mostly set and setting.

    Be in a safe chill setting and if you really wanna feel it smoke from a properly rolled joint or blunt or a properly packed bong or bowl.

    If it makes you paranoid maybe its just not appropriate for your brain chemistry so don't be pressured but first I would read up on the importance of set and setting.

    Set means your state of mind, setting is not only the place but the people and the vibes in general.:wave:
  7. I doubt you did 13 hits out of a bong your first time. Are you guys hitting/inhaling correctly? Might be shwag.
  8. Its a mini acryilic bong, with a tiny cone piece ( bowl ). First time probaly 7-8 hits. And i was fkd up(got really hypo) . Second time probaly yeah 11-13 - couldnt get out of the chair, couldnt be bothered talking to people.

    I think im inhaling properly? everyone i smoke with are all pretty much noobs. Any tips

    All the weed here is pretty much the same . Nothing like the pictures i see on here ( crystals all over it, weird colours - purple ect)
  9. Ive only been paranoid once and it wasnt really that bad.

    Where can i read up on all that? is there a guide on here? ( the setting)

    I always feel like im annoying people because im always laughing and saying stupid things. I get sort of annoyed with my mates because it feels like there faking it ( always yelling out stupid things and saying their seeing things) and they have smoked alot more then me , but still noobs

  10. Lol unless your smoking some straight fire there is your problem. you don't smoke hits of weed, you smoke whole bowls/joints.

    But i think your main problem is you need to find some more experienced smoking friends, who can show you the ropes alot better then whatever these kids have been teaching you.

    Also if you feel like your faking it you are faking it, you will know if you are stoopid high lol.

    You probably are annoying people lol. I personally hate it when kids get high and start acting stupid and yelling. You just gotta chillout and enjoy your high bro. and if they are saying they are seeing shit they are definitely faking.
  11. if you're not liking it why not step away from it. you can try it again later but you shouldn't feel like you have to smoke. plenty of people don't smoke for their own reasons and there is nothing wrong with that. you can always try it again later right?

    different things, at different times, affect different people differently :laughing: :smoke:
  12. LOL @ this thread
  13. oh and there is nothing wrong with smoking out of an apple. you can eat that shit afterwards :devious:
  14. its still fun just not as great as the first 2 . But even though it hasnt been as good. I still want to do it agiain for some reason
  15. well then go for it man. its free your will but i don't think the apple was the problem. maybe it was swaggy bud?
  16. I love my pot and have been smoking for 19yrs now. Even me at this stage of my life gets the shits with it every now and again. Ill wake up for work one Monday morning with a Pot Hangover and think "Fuck this i dont need it anymore" so for a day or two i dont touch it. Mean while im pumping down the Morphine Tabs as i use pot for medical reasons. I give my system a break then back into it.

    Dont stress about it dude. If you dont enjoy it anymore (anymore ~ u have only had 13 draw backs) give it a break and then try it out again in a good environment. Trust me when you 1st start out being in a good environment is a must IMO so you dont loose it and you have a fucking good laugh wiv ya mates.
    Im way past that now and i wish i did have good laughs again, but just take it easy and dont stress it.
    If you try it again and dont enjoy it, leave it alone and fuck the others in your group that disagree . . . . Its not for everyone :)

  17. Yea I don't get this thread. If you don't like weed get off this forum.

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