so I planted some seeds about 3 weeks ago... 5 of them to be exact. They are not duds and they are healthy enough. I know what a good seed looks like. Now the seeds that I planted only have two sprouts, but no leaves. there are two seeds that sprouted and have little things sticking out of the dirt. I keep them regularly watered and such, in regular soil that I found outside in the dirt. I need help and some answers as to why they are growing so god damn slow. Please don't tell me that it's because the soil is bad, because months before I planted a plant in a simple ceramic mug with the same dirt I found outside and I forgot about it, and sure enough in about a little over a week and a half I had a little sprout with its leaves started... Thank you, and JAH LOVE PEOPLE
are you growing inside or outside? and isnt it winter in america atm? weed grows faster in summer (from my experience)
im growing indoors with a south facing window. It has all the light it needs.... but it just isnt growing. Yeah its winter here, but it's in around 70 degrees
oh thats fine i thought you were outside. well from experience, my plants stopped growing because i wasnt giving enough water, it ende up drying up ): it was sad, they were like babies ): lol. try using fertiliser or root booster, you need chemicals to speed up the grow
If all you have is light coming in through a window, that is not "all the light it needs" by a long shot. If you plan on growing the entire thing just on window light, just kill them now and don't even try because it won't work. Read the stickies and do things properly.
Dude throw that plant away, you are far from growing weed properly. Get some books, watch some dvds, go to youtube, read the forums. But you have no chance of success with what your doing.
This section is for Absolute Beginners, meaning no experience. I have seen a lot of people who think it's this easy. Or some who think that a 60 watt incandescent light bulb is sufficient for one plant.
Dude there is a video called Ready, Set, Grow that was made by High Times Magazine. You can watch it on You Tube and it is a literal wealth of knowledge for the beginning grower. It covers pretty much everything from lights, feeding and watering to cultivating, drying and curing. THIS IS A MUST WATCH VIDEO. I'm not trying to discourage you mate but your never gonna get that plant to produce anything the way your trying to grow it. Seriously watch Ready, Set, Grow as well as other videos that are available, do some reading and research and I PROMISE you with that you'll grow a plant to be proud of
How many hours of light a day do you get atm? Coz a south facing window in winter probably aint gonna grow you much tbh. get on the "stickies" at the top of the forum...some CFLs would be a good first purchase... gl
Actually this time of year the sun is on the South side of the house but i still think that's not enough light for a fragile little girl.