Needed more headroom in my lil spare veg closet sooo.. 2x 11" zip ties per side + a bit of SS Picture hanger wire to insure that the zips don't dry out and snap over time..Works for me..
I understand it now... I just don't see why the zip ties are needed lol seems like the metal hangers would of sufficed alone... though instead of tying them using those little keychain locks would work better and been more secure.. you know just these things
Gained about 16" doing this..The closet wooden pole is only about 5.5' high..Did the same in my flower tent 6' high..Made it very easy, since I lost 1' for the pot and another 1ft to the plant tops +..and the 16" for those oem wire hangers..Doesn't leave a lot of room for the plants.. Yeah..I remembered I had the picture wire AFTER I did the zip tie thing..LOL
Yeah I had edited my post completely haha. Even with just 4 foot of height I've been having more than enough space luckily lol just snap them stems and show em who's boss haha also depends on the play of course.. I've been doing well keepin my 50/50 short and bushy though.
Yeah, I manhandle them daily..LOL here is a before and after of the same area..for any doubting the power of hurting them bitches..lookie..LMAO
Looks nice haha they can take a beating just fine I'll supercrop a week or two into flip. I have to go back and re-tie my vegging clones soon they are starting to take off and I'm running out of room haha.. can't wait to move em in my tent and scrog them. Definitely won't have any room in my closet for long haha plenty of upwards room but that's it.
I am growing some GDPs and they got over 3' tall AFTER all the training..on the right.. I punish em until about three weeks in myself Before you ask..those Sasquatchs are under a Nextlight Mini (older pic showing 2x Miezhis flanking the NLM) Newer pic with the plants show a Unit Farms UFO 80 on the left note the dividing line. ..LMAO
Glad I read this zip ties are holding up my lights didn't realise they would dry and break...doing a remodel soon as new stuff comes so will take this onboard when changing to try fit the bars higher to lift lights to encourage stretch, carbon filter needs fitting in.. hygrometer not sure if these will help but have 4 rolls coming going to wrap them around tent in different intervals improving light (fingers crossed) to sides...any input on this?
Yeah never trust zip ties lol. Another extremely cheap and easy option would be steel leaders (for fishing). Comes in ALL different sizes and will not break or loosen up.