I'm not chopping. I have a good spot, I have started a selected harvest of one of my ladies, I am going to take down 1/4th of it every 3 days, that should keep my bag full. First male was August 13th. Last Aug 20th, so I start flowering then. I am at 6wks now for indica bagseed. Harvest day is 8 wks, October 14th, although I will be checking the trichromes. I took a 5 week sample and dried it out, using a dampout product, excellent in an ammo box! dries it out, but not too quick. And the 5 wk sample was excellent, better than my seedless middies i get. story here is. I am leaving it out. I was reading a grow guide and they said leave it out 2 wks after you get amber, i want dank sticky weed, all for myself. looking at quite a harvest. (<10)
my gals look so so healthy green, they are not dying yet, i'm not worried about frost, even though it is coming soon, (mid-atlantic), what i'm worried about is Mold. Yesterday I had a cola with some on, and surprise, even in the bright sun, today again, nice cola with mold started. of course that'll be the start of my select harvest which started yesterday. i am trying my best to hold off, i have it divided up in sections, i'm going to be taking down about 20% per week, i hope. then once i get a nice pile of dry bud(friday it will be dry), i think i'll be less anxious.
My big leaves are yellowing a bit, the pistils are browning and the trychs are changin so I know I am getting close. Ideally I would like to harvest just the top buds and let the lower ones go another week or so but I am kinda scared to try that and fuck it all up. I have made it this far and things look real good so I really don't want to start messin around. I can't get over the smell of it though. So sweet. I rub my fingers on some of the leaves and then rub my nose so when I am sitting inside it is all I can smell. Yeah, I'm an idiot.
what gets me is how i notice that stinko when i jump in the shower after a patch visit. That strong smell is all over my body. Why are you worried about screwing it up with taking 1/2 down, i think that's a good idea. let is age and "bake". take 1/2 down so it is secure somewhere and let the rest go. cutting 1/2 the plant down won't affect it, or just cut a few of them down, (unless you have hundreds<g>), I have just a personal grow going. I am going to use mold stuff on the bud, lightly. supposedly it is safe for consumption.
Yeah, I don't know. I'll just leave it. I have waited this long what is another week or so. It's my only plant so fucking it up would be bad. I am hoping for at least an ounce. If I get that I will be very happy. Next year I'll pick it up a notch and plant A FEW MORE. I haven't had a mold problem and I hope it stays that way. Up here where I live nights are cold and days are dry and there has been very little humidity the last few days. The 10 day forcast calls for great weather so that should finish things up nicely. I may, however, wait for the first frost if it is not too far off.
next year try those silica gel water retention crystals, i threw them in right around my roots in late june, after reading a post, and i have never seen plants like i have this year.
I have used those for flowers I have in hanging baskets. The coconut husk liner in the baskets dry out the soil so fast. It only makes sense to use those water retention crystals on herb especially if you have to haul water al the time.
yo stickerbushman when u said u dried ur sample out with a damp out product, what is that. Because I live with my parents and i have 4 plants ready to harvest and i need somewhere to dry my plants without them smelling. A dampout product seems like it would help dry them out a little quicker.