Nostalgic Depression is killing me!! PLEASE READ!!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by dave209rider559, Jan 26, 2010.

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  1. Ever since I moved to L.A. 3 years ago, I have been getting depressed nostalgically more and more every day.

    My story began in Modesto, CA, life was amazing there, I dont wanna go into details, then I moved to San Jose, CA, once again, when I moved there, I loved it. I thought it was a great place, immediately got used to it. Then I moved back to Modesto, I was happy to be with all my homies again, and everything.

    Then I moved to Fresno, CA, took me a month, but I started liking it and I realized that life there was similar to Modesto, since it was also in the valley.

    But then, then, came the time where my fucking parents moved to fucking L.A.

    FUCK THIS PLACE. 3 years and my mind is FUCKED.. WEED doesnt fucking help, it makes it worse, especially if you are alone, ur mind wanders about the fact that this is my shitty life. The people are fucking gay here, the dopes expensive. Houses are expensive, hard to get jobs, streets are narrow, too much traffic, too many armenians. Man fuck la. every part of it is gay. When you take the 5 or the 101 and go north, once you exit L.A. county you realize that you just escaped the shittiest place in the world. I can not get used to this place for the love of god. Its been 3 years and my mind has been cumshotted on by my life here. Look at my fucking Id, it says Dave209rider559.. why doesnt it fucking say 818 or 323, oh yeah, because while im in this motherfucking place, I still live in a dream world thinking everyday that im back in the valley. thats where real life is at. i feel very sorry for the people that have lived here their whole life, its sad to know that they have no clue what life they are living. I hate my homies here too, they are all gay, and i just prefer the valley.

    3 years im suffering, weed doesnt help..

    I finally turned 18 a month ago, and guess what, its hard to just move with no money and find a job and pay for rent and everything.. my life is fuked up.

    its gotten to the point where i escape by games, chiefing, and the occasional sex which really fucks my head up more after im done, because guess what i start thinking about after?? Tulare, Visalia, Fresno, Madera, Merced, Turlock, Modesto, Stockton, Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland..

    My mind is fucked.. I spend the whole day sometimes listening to valley and bay area raps..

    Fucked up life im in, i really need to get money and move back asap.

    I have another friend that moved from modesto, and his life is slowly deteorating too. why do you think that the area codes 209 or 408 or 559 or 916 are the most heavily repped area codes in all the US? because thats where life is.. play some halo or call of duty, every game i go i swear i see a guy with 209 or 408 or 916 in his tag, where is the 323? 818? the occasional faggot ass armenian bitch will put 818.. fuck them fags, and fuck life for fucking me for 3 years. my mind is in a meltdown, and yet i am the most caring guy in the planet, girls, if your reading this, i am the most emotional guy ever, i care for you, do you want a thousand dollars to pay your debt? here you go, keep that shit dont pay me back.. fuck man my life is fucked.
  2. I read it. Sounds shitty. I just now adjusted to moving on another side of town a couple years ago from 4 yrs ago.
    Hope things get better for you man.
  3. Eh atleast your not dying or starving. Look on the bright side. :)
  4. You got something against gay people?

    That sucks dude, but you just have to keep on pullin', because you'll get through it eventually.
  5. hahah Armenians, nothing against them it was just funny how OP put it. I can agree with you somewhat.i know that nostalgia you have, its not as bad but it gets me sometimes. anyway i was sent to provo, utah 2 years ago, then the wilderness of southern utah for 3 months then west texas where the nearest town was 10 miles away. In texas is where i was able to know the difference between natures vast beauty and man made plastic L.A. Anyway dont give up. Use that hate as motivation to get the fuck out this smog dome. You got my support and that of grasscity im sure. good luck.
  6. get a snowboard and some weed, and some snow. best thing for depression
  7. Man wtf. I clicked on this shit an could not believe wtf i was reading.
    I'm from the San Jose too. I moved to the 209 a while back. and it fucking sucked.
    but then I got used to it and learned i could take advantage of the environment i was around in.....
    I been living back and forth between san jose and modesto/turlock area but your right.
    north cali is the best place to be in. I mean just from a Grass City perspective it's almost like mecca. you know how many times I can get smoked out for free on any given day? bout 6 or 9 ahhahaha cuz it's everywhere. but yeah. I like it up here. ahahah

    think positive, not negative.
    instead of complanin get off your ass and do something about it.
    unless your handicapped. which I dont think.

    -playin in the wind.
  8. dude I kinda got what you're saying.. My life at home is absolutely incredible and school sucks in comparison. My friends here are nothing like my friends at home. I'm slowly adjusting, though. I think I'll love this place by the end of the semester.. at least I hope. Hopefully you'll adjust, too.
  9. lol @ repping area codes in COD
  10. What's the problem with americans?
  11. Stop saying 'gay'.
  12. Ya i know what you mean. I moved in with my GF now i don't see any friends since they all don't have cars and i live 20 mins away in the country. Things just aren't what they used to be like and it makes me so depressed but o well it's better for me here in the end.

  13. I used to be from turlock but said modesto since people would notice it more.

    Man, that place was heaven for me, even better than San Jose actually. I dont know man, my mind is in shambles right now.
  14. I'm from LA, but right now I stay in the san fernando valley! LA dosent suck, u just gotta kno the right people bro
  15. I don't think what you are going through is depression in any way, shape or form.
    I think it's a spoilt child lashing out because he's not in his comfort zone.

    I'm not even going to discuss your racism and homophobia, except to say that homosexuals and Armenians are not fucking up your life - You are.

    Money issues? Can't get a job? Boo-hoo. Man up. You're 18 now, we all had to go through it. You're not a special little snowflake.

    Giving a girl $1 000 is not being "the most caring guy in the world". It is a symptom of too much MTV and not enough respect.

    You, Sir, are not suffering from depression, you are suffering from Idiocy and Bigotry. Take a dose of reality, a huge cup of humility and get back to us in the morning.

  16. everyone knows that by gay, we dont actually mean gay..

  17. lololol i was gonna post some shit but this covers it, depression is an illusion its all a state of mind just change it, do whateva makes you happy

  18. And faggot doesn't mean gay either? :rolleyes:

  19. ok, if i saw something stupid being done, i might say "thats hella gay" do i really man that it was homosexual?
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