Northwest Florida?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Thunder-34, Mar 3, 2009.

  1. Well, I know not too much (though I've tried to at least learn the very basics) about growing marijuana, but a new friend of mine has told me about his plants.
    He says that he has "blueberry Lowryders" which only take 2 months to grow until harvest time and are only a foot high.

    He says that he keeps them in his house in pots with foxfarm soil, lights (cant remember all the details about his growlights), and a humidifier. Nothing else.

    Now, I was thinking about buying some seeds from him and growing them behind my house. My neighbors wouldn't typically give a shit about something like this, and I've also thought of ways to block their view. One is to grow two lines of some tall plants (like tomatoes) on both sides so to block their vision. But then again, Lowryders would only be a foot tall....

    So, I would be growing them (3 at the most) behind my house, where they'll get around 8 hours of light. I'll grow them in the foxfarm soil in a good sized pot.

    I live in Northwest Florida, so I dont think I'd have to worry about sunlight or humidity.
    How does it sound?
    thanks in advance for the help...
  2. Sounds pretty good to me. Lucky bastard, wish I had a friend I could buy some off from...

    Also, depending on what kind of lights he is using.... chances are they will get a little bigger then a foot powered by the badass sun.

    "My neighbors wouldn't typically give a shit about something like this,"

    Are you willing to risk your ass getting poked, on your neighbors typically not giving a shit? Even if they don't give a shit, they probably have a hole between their lips, or digits and a pen or something.

    I would get on top of some google earth browsing and select a new location, off your property.
  3. I would love too, but I know of no places where they'd get plenty of sun and not intruded on.

    I've been growing bog plants (pitcher plants, mostly) for a while now. These plants get a foot high and can get bushy in a sense. Since I'm only planning on growing at the most 3 plants at one time, couldn't I make a circle with my bog plants and then put my marijuana in the center?
    If the marijuana gets higher then the bog plants, then I can just get some random pots/whatever-just-stuff-to-block-the-view and circle the plants. Though, the concern then would be these vision obstructing things obstructing the sunlight to the marijuana...
  4. " Though, the concern then would be these vision obstructing things obstructing the sunlight to the marijuana..."

    Exactly what I was thinking, guess you will have to wait for someone else ;0. Seems like if they were taller, that no matter what you would be limiting the sun until it was later in the day.

    How is your living situation? Possible for indoors?
  5. I'm not willing to do it indoors. Dont want to have to pay for all the lights and such.
  6. #6 Thunder-34, Mar 3, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2009
    Another thing on stealth, maybe in my bedroom window? It faces east. It doesnt have any trees or anything blocking it. Just a window with a screen. I can't honestly say I know how much sunlight it gets for sure. Well, it gets morning sunlight until, of course, the sun moves to above my roof.
    Would lack of humidity also be a problem?
    Ah well, I guess this would then make it indoor growing instead of outdoor growing...
  7. Lowryders can grow pretty much anywhere, including window sills. However, the amount of sunlight determines the amount of bud. I don't think humidity is as important of an issue as you are thinking.

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