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Northern VA prices?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by username703, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. Any one from NoVa?
    I'm new to buying my own stuff, usually I used to just smoke with people and give them a few bucks and some food.
    So I've been buying, I've talked to 3 different people and all their prices seem to be crazy compared to what most people have. Its all dank, but tell me if this is high, I can post pics next time I pick up, so Friday probably.

    75-80 an 1/8
    150 1/4

    thats all I've bought in so far, 2 of them tried to sell me 1g for 30 and I'm not that dumb, one claimed it was a mix of northern lights and juicy fruit, but I don't buy it. The other is just saying all this "medical grade" shit. I don't want to get played, ill make sure to post pics next time i get some, but any help from pricing in the suburbs of D.C. would be great.
    thanks guys
  2. im near richmond mid VA, here it is around 20 a gram, 30 half an eighth, for good bud at least
  3. Yeah, those are NoVA prices for some fire.

    $35 for an eighth of mids usually
  4. I'm close to danville and I get an eighth of fire for about 60$, thats because I'm good friends with my dealer though.
  5. Danville isn't Northern's close to the North Carolina line...

    Try not to make useless posts
  6. well im close to richmond and fredericksburg and i pay 30 an eighth for fire and about 50-60 for an eighth of dank im also good friends with my dealer
  7. I'm new to nova too so this is actually helpful for me too.
  8. I live near tysons prices just seem outrageous, when i go down to vcu and near richmond i make sure to stock up cause everything is so much cheaper. its like up here everyones looking to make bank, but down south everyone just wants to help each other get high, the way it should be.
    thanks for the info, any you guys in the 703?
  9. im in the 703. down near chantilly, so not all that far from you
  10. havoc, what are your prices like?
  11. i'm kinda in the same boat as you. i just recently moved but, i'm a senior in high school. i haven't really gotten any good reliable contacts yet. but 35-45 for an 1/8 sounds about right
  12. I wish i could get 45 an 1/8, i need to find new people to buy from i guess. sounds like im getting ripped off. although the area is known for high prices..
  13. I'm from the chantilly/fairfax area here. Prices of dank go for about $20 for a gram and $70 for an 1/8. Zips go for $350-400 depending on your connections. Mids are about $25-$30 for an eighth.

    Keep on repping NoVA!
  14. I get all my weed from my DC hookup and he charges $10 per gram of regs and $25 per gram for dank. I used to live in stafford, va and I was buying regs for $200 per oz and the dude never had dank so i dunno about that, but I would assume it would have been $20 per gram. Hope this helps...

    Also, webehigh does wonders man, look that site up and check the correct prices for yourself.

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