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Northern Lights pickup

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by yer916, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. New pickup; something my dealer claims to be “Northern Lights”.


    Click for bigger photo.
    PS: I had more bud, but I had smoked it before taking the picture.

    What do you guys think? :smoking:
  2. what was the price and for how much
  3. Decent looking buds, a little leafy but thats meh. Those are some big ass stems though. :mad:
  4. a little stemmy, but those nugs look pretty nice, man.
  5. dank bud, big stems.
  6. More stem than bud, but dank none the less.
  7. looks pretty fire. what does it smell like?
  8. $80 for 4.5. It smells really dank
  9. I thought it looked pretty leafy too. Stems can be good, though. I was looking at a thread earlier. This guy group up 9 grams of stems and got a shit ton of kief. It was pretty beast.
  10. urgh the use of fire to describe weed angers me lol, looks like northern lights even though there is no way to tell for sure.

  11. Erm where are you located? Price isn't that good for what you got. Pretty stemmy. But hey, if it's dank it's dank. Smoke it and get high! :smoke:
  12. it looks ight.. huge stems tho
  13. Yeah, the stem-to-bud ratio isn't spot-on, but hey! Who doesn't love Northern Lights?

    Looks dank bro. Grats. :smoking:
  14. looks alright not norther lights tho i got a O of norther light from the clinic a couple of months ago and im pretty thats not northern lights.

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