North Atlantic Seed Company

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by KinikyDankley, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. I placed an order and it was shipped out the next day. The order hasn't moved in 7 days. Is this normal? I contacted the company and only got dry automated responses. I am honestly shocked because I read nothing but good things. The website says to wait 14 days before filling out the form or considering it lost. I am honestly just wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if so how did it turn out?
  2. Probably just an issue with the mail, I’ve never had a problem receiving my order from them.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  3. I've used NASC about ten times in the last few years and never had any issues.

    In fact I had an order of seeds that didn't germinate and they replaced them all and sent five freebies.

    I'd blame USPS over NASC.
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  4. I appreciate the response! I was just looking for a solution not to blame. Want to know how it turned out for anyone else that had this problem. I read all the good things and that made me want to order from them but now this has happened. Just looking for answers while my $200 is floating around the USA so I could put my mind at ease.
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  5. When ordering from NASC, delivery insurance is automatically applied unless you opt out. A tracking number is also given to you so you can see where the package is. Run the tracking number that was emailed to you and you will have your answer.
  6. Thank you for the response kind human! I agree just looking for answers so I can stop tripping out. It seems like a rare and odd problem to have with this company but here I am.
  7. I done all this as I stated it hasn't moved since the day it was shipped. I paid for the shipping insurance yes but I was looking for answers before I go and fill out a claim.
  8. Are you ordering from within the states or from another country?

    If you are in another country it could be being held up by customs making it take longer. But honestly I wouldn't worry to much, just be patient, it'll come.

    Sent from my LM-X420 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  9. If it hasn't moved, that means there have been no USPS scans on it. If it is moving in the mail system, there will be scan updates. Just wait the 14 days like they said and see what happens. You have the insurance so you won't lose your money. Relax.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. I'm in the USA.
  11. Why are you disagreeing with my responses. They have been nothing but the truth.
  12. I reported you too buddy. I can disagree with you. Idk why you chose to pick on my post but I didn't come here looking for what you are dishing out. Do you think you are helping me? You are making it worse.
  13. I've given accurate and beneficial responses to the current situation you are in.
  14. You may THINK you have but no you have not. Can you leave me alone now?
  15. I've never had an issue with them between the half dozen or so orders I've done from them over the last year or two, but that's just been my experience.
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  16. Im sorry but what? Slow your roll dude and read.
  17. For those that need to chill, please chill. I've gone through the multitude of reports from this thread already.

    I think people have tried to be helpful so there's really no need for the "disagrees" to be dished out.

    Continue on without drama, please. Also, read the Forum Guidelines if you haven't already. - Forum Guidelines
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