NORML Freedom Card, Know and Understand Your Rights

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by IndianaToker, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. You can't really avoid the K9-unit. The best way is to not handle weed in your car. The dogs are trained to pick up the scent from the trichomes. These are the resin glands on the bud and are very waxy, they fucking cling to everything, which I'm sure you know, if you break up weed with your fingers. So the less you handle weed in your car the less your spreading around the trichomes. But just because they bring the dogs, that doesn't mean they can search your car, they can only search the public domain which your car is in. If the dogs pic up something on your car then it's probable cause and all that other bull shit. Thats why you just play it safe, if you going to smoke while you drive, roll your shit before you get in your car and wash your hands so you don't put the trichomes on the out side of your car such as the door handle when you open the car. Don't bake your car out, though I fucking love doing it, it's not a good idea. And don't handle weed in your car. Just play it safe and you'll avoid the dogs. Also most of the time they will threaten to call the dogs in but they usually don't unless their is a unit around the area.

    So a re-cap:
    Always wash your hands thoroughly after handling the herb.
    Don't break up, handle, or roll weed in your car. Keep it in the bag.
    If you smoke in your car roll down the windows, bake out a room or a fish tank, not your car.
    But to be even smarter never smoke in your car, and keep your weed in the bag in a good place preferably up high. Remember dogs sniff the ground not the sky.
    And hold your grounds with the police, stay polite but don't let them intimidate you, Remember if the cop has to ask you most likely he has nothing on you. Probable cause is a pack of papers, a roach, a cigar wrap, things that are visible; though I think smell is also considered probable cause. So keep your shit out of sight and remember what the ol' hag Nancy Reagan said, "Just Say No"!

  2. Actually a pretty good idea man, thanks.
  3. Wow, this is great! Every American citizen should know their constitutional rights, and this is very convenient. Thank you.

  4. you shouldn't have marijuana at your school, another reason why children shouldn't have access to marijuana, they make stupid decisions

  5. Nah, NORML's an american organization.. no Canadian involvment
  6. Ver helpfull One of my friends showed me this page it has a quiz to test your rights and how much you know because them damn porkers try to confuse you or get you angry so they can get you on possesion charges For example Didi you know that if yoususpect some pot dealer is a undercover pig Personally I grow my own shit It's just worth it, but anyways if you suspect their piggley wiggleys you can ask them and they have to tell you if they are
  7. Good chance that K9's not coming.

    Good thing they only have the right to hold me for no more than 15 minutes at a traffic stop. You know how much effort usually has to be done to get a K9 all the way over for one punk who may or may not have smoked in his car today? Cops are employees like everyone else, how popular do you think a construction worker would be if he called someone who just got off work or had a busy day to be like "Can I borrow your instant shoe cleaner"?
  8. Yeah thats what I thought too, that they only have so long to hold you for a pull over. If there is not enough reason to keep you other than he got mad because you gave him the card and he thinks you might have something. It might work. I will print one out anyways just to have for the knowledge.
  9. oh my god like half of you are missing the point of this. its not a magic card that gets you out of trouble or an admission of guilt. most of all its not just a silly laminated card that a cop will blow off. it is the constitution of the UNITED STATES (just the parts you need). if u think by printing this off and having it with you your gonna cause the cop to search your car, then i strongly suggest you go to google and type in "US revolutionary war". it was this little arguement that was fought for you before you were born to gurantee rights to free life. if u tell a cop your not waiving any of your constitutional rights then theres nothing he can legally do. if something happens like he detains you and brings a k-9 then dont sweat it, any lawyer who went to the first day of law school knows this is unconstitutional. have you ever wondered WHY the cop ASKS YOU if he can search your car? hey dumbass hes not trying to make a new friend, he knows that you have to resign your right to unlawful search and siezure of property. SOOOOO many idiot ass teenagers make the mistake of thinking by saying yes the cop will think there is nothing to find and just leave you alone. my question to these select few... why be an american if you are content with so willingly surrendering your constitutional rights?
  10. For the Canadians asking about our rights, I have to ask; why bother?

    I've been stopped about a dozen times in the last 3 or 4 years with weed on me and they never do anything except take your weed. It's basically up to the cop whether he wants to charge you so don't give him any reason to; be polite. I've been let go every time.

    Although one time they told me I was under arrest and they were releasing me unconditionally. In English this means "Go home and stop smoking pot here."

    But honestly, unless you're growing or walking around with more than an ounce, I don't think you need to worry. This is Canada, man, we don't have the jails for all the pot smokers! :D
  11. you should bring a ziploc bag of oregano just to mess with them when they search you haha. if they ask you can say you're taking a foods class :p
  12. The problem is with the K9s is you don't know their "signal"
    my friend got pulled over and they brought the K9 unit,
    the officer said that the dog "signalled him"
    so my friend asked him what the "signal" looked like, and
    when the dog re smelled the car, he didn't signal.
    So don't let cops play you lol
  13. well where i live i can't have 1 cause weed ain't legal here. i'm in the virgin islands and we can get away with smoking only if the right officer gives you a break. i was wondering what is the legal age to carry a card if it was suppose to be like that? i was thinking about 25, what do you think. also my friend who is also a weed smoker came up with that same idea during a discussion we had. keep doing the damn thing, peace.
  14. Where i live, cops don't have much to do other than try to bust kids for smoking the herb, so i'm going to print this off and hope i don't have to use it!
  15. This is awesome. I wish there was one of these for the UK.
  16. What you should do is memorize the card and keep it on your person for rebuffing. Only refuse the things you are immediately being asked to do.
    "Can we search your car?"
    "I do not give you permission to search."
    I've never done it but I know a few people who have. Just don't make yourself too obvious. Some people don't want to be searched because it is time consuming and an invasion of privacy. There are legal justifications, but you don't need to make anybody suspicious.
    BTW- hi, first time poster.
  17. They are really very cool, very wonderful
    Great work .. really informative .. and thanks a lot for sharing ..
    Glad it works as expected for you
    looking good

  18. Not true. That would compromise the entire reasoning behind it. Police only have to identify themselves when they are making the arrest, not when they are gathering evidence for an arrest.
  19. someone should try it when they get pulled over just for nothing. if he uses it as probable cause and searches you when you DONT have anything, he'd probably have to believe you ha

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