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Normal Tolerance Level

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by BackwardsMaker, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. I was just wondering, what is the normal level of tolerance for someone who's been smoking the herb for 2-3 years? What I mean is, for those of you who have been smoking this long or longer, what is/was it like to smoke weed at this time? I tend to think that I have a lot higher tolerance than most people do at this point, possibly because of the medication I'm on, but I'd like to hear about other people's experiences.
  2. There's no way to give an accurate answer here. A regular smoke for 2-3 years could mean anything from one bowl a day to smoking all day long. Body types come into play as well which just throws another wrench into it. No one can say but yourself.

    I've only been smoking frequently for about a year but I keep on top of my tolerance so it doesn't get out of line. Take t-breaks frequently and don't smoke like a retard and you'll never have a problem. the kids who roll j's and blunts all day and build up a ridiculous tolerance then bitch about not getting high piss me off
  3. Admittedly, I haven't taken a t-break in a really long time, but when I did it didn't seem to make any difference.

  4. Your wrong sir, tolerance breaks are great!
  5. this is a completely subjective question. There is no right or wrong answer and depending on the trees u light one bowl may be stoned or six bowls may be a little high. been smoking regularly for the time amount described and certain strains you hit a back to back bat on and ride it out and discover that you are pleasently hi, usually more than expected.
    * It may be different on different pieces IE a spoon vs an illedaph coil is like comparing the hi of a bobcat to a tiger. Especially noticeable after hitting the bong, hit the pipe tomorrow with the same nug and see if you get as hy

  6. I must also say I took a two week break... and the first session back was alright... but definitely not a big difference.

    I guess I need to aim for a month break.
  7. I used to smoke 4-5 times a day a fat bowl from my tct double disc stemless. But now if I only toke once when I wake up then wait till 8 or so and smoke I get so much higher.
  8. Yea guys t breaks only work if its like ATLEAST 2.5 weeks. A month or more is best though.
  9. Hmm, then why do I get alot higher if I wait till later in the day to blaze. Juss wondering. Is it just in my head lol?
  10. When you guys talk about taking t-breaks for two weeks that seems impossible for me. I just tried to take a break and i lasted two days. One day during the break i couldn't find a shoe or something and I was slamming shit all over my house and flipping out on people who were asking me what was wrong. So i went up to my room and smoke some rez and everything was back to normal.

    I feel like im so dependent on weed that without it I hate myself.
  11. Iv gotten alot more used to being high now. I try and aim for only once a day usually around 8pm and later, i find it hard to get to sleep now without doing that. Not a good position to be in haha, but oh well. I enjoy doing it, never get bored of it, so why not.

  12. so did u take th brake for tolerance or because you ran out of cannabis.. I have a feeling if you just ran out thats why u were so irritated just smoke or dont and if u do try stronger cannabis
  13. Ive taken a three day T-Break and noticed a difference before. Just drink alot of water.
  14. A single day off affects your tolerance. Provided, it returns to normal within a day of use, but it still gets you noticeably higher. Every noticed how much higher you get the first time you smoke a day? If you try to only smoke once a day it seems to stay in line. I smoke a bowl or two before I go to sleep and a lot more when the weekend rolls around and so far my tolerance has remained low enough that I never have a problem getting high.

    I take a week off every once and a while to save money and allow my tolerance to balance out. I mean it's not like I'm getting high like I first started off a single bowl but frequent breaks has allowed me to keep it all pretty normal. I just started 30 days off (for a job) and I' look forward to seeing where my tolerance gets to be after that. I haven't taken more than a week and a half off since I started.
  15. I stop mainly because I cant afford to buy a quarter O a week, but also i was smoking so much I really miss what it was liek to get high when i was younger. I mean i remember almost hallucinating and being absolutely infatuated with music, now it makes me forget about the world and relaxes me.

    I just hate the fact that i use to be able to smoke a bowl of mids and be ripped of my ass and now I have to smoke 3-4 to even get sucks bad.

  16. I understand you on this completely. I feel the same way. I could get ripped off one bowl of mids... now it takes about 2-3 bowls of dank to get a decent high. :(

    I gotta take a t-break.. and get better weed :p

  17. haha thats a couple of my friends:p

  18. A common sign when a daily toker suddenly stops, they get angry and upset much easier and also may feel depressed
  19. i've been smoking for 7 years now and my tolerance is still low as fuck. i guess it's because i take regular t-breaks and that my initial tolerance is so fucking low. i usually smoke dank bud, if not i smoke high mids.
  20. I never really smoke more than 2 bowls a day, because if I did that I'd run out really fast. Besides, it doesn't really seem to make a difference how much I smoke after that. It seems to make a little difference if I smoke out of a bong, but not that big a difference.

    The only thing that seems to make a big difference is if I smoke Salvia afterwards... yes, I smoke Salvia to get high, not to trip, but to get high. Granted, it's not the same, but it certainly ends up getting me more fucked up than if I just smoked weed. Still, this has to be a sign that there's something weird about my brain chemistry or something.

    Also, I don't think I could stand to take a month-long t-break. Even though it doesn't do that much for me, it's still something and it helps me deal with shit.

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