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Normal tolerance break duration?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Kevster89, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. How long is your typical T-Break in terms of duration, (i.e. One week, One month, etc.), and how often do you take one in the course of the year?

    I know this differs somewhat for almost everyone so I wanted to get everyone's feedback, as some people I know take many breaks, while some really to never take one.

    Thanks GC

    -Happy tokin' :smoking: :hello:
  2. I've been smoking for about 2 years now and I go on 1-2 week breaks... I get blazed as hell after 2 weeks. I'm a skinny mofo though and I seem to be able to get it out of my system pretty quick :smoking:
  3. im starting to think i should take one sometime soon... tolerance is gettin up there.

    and question If ive been smoking for about a year and half everyday, most the day how long would i need to take a break for to even notice a difference?
  4. like 1 month, I was in the same situation as you.

    Didnt smoke since new years, then did tonight and i got soo blazed. :soke:
  5. my tolerance is just way to high. The flamest stuff i can get doesnt do enough anymore. Then again i build up tolerance fast as hell.
  6. 2 weeks will suffice. 1 week will work too, but your tolerance will get high quicker with the less time you take. so, it's up to your self-control, but you will get super high the longer you take. push for as long as possible man. good luck
  7. I just took a 1-week break when I went on vacation to the Philippines (I actually couldn't find any LOL).

    I'm blazed right now from 2-3 hits of my GonG from some old-ass mids left in the bowl.
  8. #8 oooohsuper, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    i take t-breaks as needed. usually for at least a month or two, however there have been times where i've taken breaks for as long as 4-6 months at a time.
  9. i usually take a two week tolerance break everyother month, cuz when i do smokes its all day everyday n the tolerance just builds up too fast; my roomate on the other hand can bearly take a day tolerance break
  10. I recently took a break for about a month from previously smoking for atleast a year everyday, but its more like 3 years with maybe a day or 2 break every 6 months maybe. Anyways i smoked a vapor bong for the first time a domed like 3 bowls of some stank and got soo soooo ripped.
  11. #11 worknplay, Feb 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2010
    I haven't smoked since Thanksgiving. I've got until the middle of March to smoke again, then I'm done until I get out of the military. F-me, and this economy. What sucks even worse, my old best friend won't help me find any b/c I've gone this long without smoking, my two weed guys' cellphones have been cut off apparently or numbers changed, regardless, I haven't heard from either (probably a sign they're in jail or something). All I want is to smoke a blunt, one fat blunt. Actually I want a whole ounce to myself. I'm probably going to end up riding out somewhere and finding someone and hope they don't chop my head off with the price because they don't know me, or rob me. I was even in a college town recently for a birthday party, and no one had any green, or could find any green because the place was 'dry'. No place is ever dry to me, it's all in who you know. So I went around looking myself, with no luck. End of rant...Sorry for jacking your thread.

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