"Noobie" to buying and growing Marijuana

Discussion in 'Marijuana Seeds Banks' started by 9447537, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. Hello Everyone!

    I'm sort of new to grasscity here and i'm currently looking for some advice
    on buying marijuana seeds. I have been looking around the forums and
    found that attitude marijuana seeds have a great reputation from what I read.

    My question is, will I be able to order seeds and actually get the package here
    in Utah? I'm sort of skeptic about the whole process of it being shipped from the
    UK to the United States.

    Any help would be great :)
  2. at the end of the day, the seeds get from point a to point b, whether its legal in your area is completely up to you, the orderer.. course your taking a risk, but receiving seeds in the mail is not more than a confiscation note.. UK to the US doesn't look like seeds the way canada to US or amsterdam to US may look. I always get my seed orders from attitude 5 for 5 so far.

  3. Yes you will get the package in Utah, I get mine to my P.O Box at the Post office. 4 of 4 and each order was well over $200. I put all my trust in the Attitude. ORDER FROM THE ATTITUDE, U WONT REGRET IT.

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