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noob with a new tool

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by noobies, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. :wave: I have only ever smoked joints before, I bought a bubbler today and was about to use it when i realized it looked like my weed was going to fall in the water :confused: :eek:, do i need a screen of some sort? what kind? thannks
  2. Depending on how big the hole is you can use the old plug method where you just put a nug a little bigger than the hole over it and then pack your grinded weed on top. Works well for me with pipes if I dont have screen.
  3. just pack it a little tight and youll be fine, also dont grind it up too fine.
  4. Get a screen if the hole is too big man.
  5. I would get a pipe screen from a smoke shop. I've lost quiet a bit of weed before I started using them.

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