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Noob vape question

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by SkinnyBryan, Jun 2, 2009.

  1. Hey I have been just using bubbs and bongs for the past years. I have used vaporizers before but they were already set up ready to go. Wanting to try something new, i looked into buying a VaporWarez Vapor Cannon and i was just wondering what temperature is the best temperature to heat up the vape to?
  2. I keep mine at about 315 to 330. Too low seems to not use enough, and too high seems to make the vapor harsh and defeat the purpose of the vape. I find a nice medium tends to balance those out, and give a really sweet high. I hope that made sense as I am currently super stoned haha. Hope that helps.
  3. I agree I like to keep it around 280 - 320. The CBD's and CBN's are produced more around 360-380 ish, so i find vaping a low temps produces more of what i want, THC. Fool around with it see whats right for you.

    And vaping at low temps usually doesn't heat everything out of the herbs so you can use the vaped bud for edibles or tinctures or where ever your imagination leads you. Happy vaping
  4. you NEED to do it from 350-410, anything less doesn't really activate the THC. Don't vape below 350 if you wanna get high...
  5. Be certain when you post information. I have never vaped above 350 and I always get super ripped. If that isn't active thc getting me high then whats getting me high I ask you, what?
  6. I can't comment on the temperature, but you should probably look into higher quality vapes. I could be wrong, but I've never heard of a vaporwarez cannon before. I know for a fact that there are a few vaporizers out there that work VERY well and solid. Some that you will surely be pleased with are Vaporbros, Silver Surfer, Da Buddah, the Volcano (if you have a large budget), and a few others. These will not give you any issues, but there are many shit-quality vapes out there that will only break after a week of use.

    Good luck.
  7. I will second Mr. Marsh. Don't listen to that guy, THC vapes at 265 degrees. So unless me and Mr. Marsh are getting a placebo effect I think that kid is wrong.
  8. Well put. Ive nver gone down to 265 what is that like?

  9. Real mellow and lucid. Like a good sativa plus a nice body fry. Thats the best I can put it.
  10. I own the vaporwarez model and it is not a low quality vape. Imo its better than the vapor bros as The VB uses a soldering iron heating element while The Vapor Warez uses a ceramic heating element. Other than that the differences are miniscule. The Vapor Warez also includes a 5 year warranty. It is not a "shit-quality vape," as you so eloquently put it, and it is literally guaranteed not to "break after a week of use."
  11. sweet guys thanks for the info!!

  12. Wrong. You can get plenty high below 350.

    The VaporCannon by VaporWarez is a very good vape and is on par with the VaporBros. Don't confuse this vape with the Chinese knockoffs that are being sold on Ebay. The Cannon is NOT one of those.
  13. oh no worries man, I had just never heard of it before. the VB does use a ceramic heating element btw. I'm just saying there are a few well known brands that will be guaranteed not to give you issues and there are even more obscure brands which will only make you smoke poison and break after a week. Not vaporwarez specifically but there are many out there. Just something to keep in mind.

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