hey all first post and fiiiiiirst! Grow indoors coming up. I'm just in the middle of building my box! So excited! Only looking at growing 2 and getting 1 female and continuously cloning her. Its going to be a cheap and nasty grow as I've just been made redundant from work but will pick more bits and pieces up and perfect things as time goes on... So I'll be doing a cfl grow. I'm uploading pictures of what I've ordered and what I'm waiting to arrive. Please if you see anything incorrect let me know! Couple days I will get pictures of the box and then pictures of it completed ! And so fourth
Those lights will work just fine. 6500 is preferable to 5000... but those will work. Not sure about how much air those tiny fans move. That four way bulb adapter is facing the wrong way ... you want the sides of the light facing the plant, not the end of the bulb. 210 watt perpetual box https://forum.grasscity.com/index.php?/topic/1394922-210-watt-3.5-sq-ft-Northern-Lights-and-White-Widow:
hey thanks for your reply I couldn't find anything suitable that was in my budget to have them on their side I was gonna make a reflecter for it
Looks alright for a closet grow, the fans are just to move the air around which is fine. It would be good if you had a "reflector" over your light fitting, something like a white down-lighting lamp shade would do, so any light that escapes up gets turned around right away, instead of travelling 2 feet to the ceiling before it reflects off a surface. Don't get suckered into putting silvery foil or whatever in your growspace, if you're going to go to the trouble of doing that just put up something really white instead.
hey man.thank you dude and lol was going to line the box with tinfoil but ended up buying spray paint instead to paint the inside.
I wouldn't buy it. You can make a better one for less money, and build it so the bulbs are sideways or at an angle. That fixture is meant for mini floods, where the light is projected out the bottom of the bulb. I don't know about those fans but I do know that a pc case fan is designed for cooling small cases. Which means it's designed to run 24/7, those novelty fans are built for a different purpose and probably won't perform like you think they will. I wouldn't bet on it anyway, could be wrong.
My lights are LED. Those are uni directional. Totally different layout than your CFLs. 210 watt perpetual box https://forum.grasscity.com/index.php?/topic/1394922-210-watt-3.5-sq-ft-Northern-Lights-and-White-Widow:
hey guys all go now almost ready probably another 2 weeks before I get my seeds in the ground. One thing I'm struggling with is power for my lighting can't find anything suitable.that will fit! So I'm probably going to end up taking apart a lamp and modifying it or something. Can't get splitters or direct light sockets Here in nz very frustrating... Unless anyone has an idea oh here's some pics of my box please note I'm retarded when it comes to building lol also have put a mini door on the sifes
Here is how I got around the wrong way facing.. 200 real watts.. eight 23 watt 6500k color.. 18x18x40 inches Mylar lined double wall cardboard box.. Lasted over 2 years before I finally upgraded the veg space.. Bright lights in small spaces need huge amounts of air flow to keep it cool.. After many fan changes the last one was 4.5 inch or 120x120x38mm 115 volt 110 cubic foot per min from the hydro store for about $ 30.00 to keep a 6 cubic foot space cooled.. BNW
Hey guys thanks for your input dude I can't find 6500k! or I would the highest I have found is a 5500k 125w which I'll get come closer to flowering. Will 5000k lower growth quite a lot? Damn I'm worried now! I'll have 4*40real watts.
It's been a long time since I ran CFLs, but I never used above 4000k.. I believe I used all 3500k, but memory is clouded. Anyway, the guys making DIY COB LEDs are recommending 3500k or a mix of 3000k and 4000k. So they have access to 6500k COB LEDs, but don't use them... Food for thought. (6500k the closest to natural full sun daylight).. Hmm makes me wonder why not using them, now I have more homework. This is my Favorite Post on Lighting, EVER.
Hey guys thanks for that and as I said I'm from nz we don't have home depot here. I've tried the diy places but nothing brighter than 20w... Surely I'm better.off with 40w 5000k...also a question I've found a suitable base to use with my 4way splitter. An ordinary worklight. And also have been held back AGAIN as the company I ordered sent the wrong damn type of fitting. So I have b22 bulbs and e27 sockets so have to pay to send them back and pay to get a replacement sent.
Amazon.com: Bayco SL-300 8.5 Inch Clamp Light with Aluminum Reflector: Home Improvement You want something more like this
Just buy a 300w LED off of eBay. Temps stay low and it's stupid easy to setup with no fab work Platinumkidd Coco LED/ CFL Grow