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Noob question, beeline.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Anthony777, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. What are the pros can cons? Could I go to a headshop and buy the stuff, or would I have to order it online?
  2. Pros: More natural taste of the weed, stays lit for a while so you dont gotta keep lighting it
    Cons: It can be a pain in the ass sometimes.

    You can more than likely find it at a head shop.
  3. pros
    - no butane
    - easier to corner bowl(to me)
    - its handy to light deep candles and other random shit
    - save $ on lighter(if you don't lose it...)

    - spend more $ to get beeline
    - if you pinch out fire you might have those finger-pads stained yellow or burnt
    - one more item to keep track of

    you can just get it off amazon. Some headshops carries them but I had been to some that doesn't.
  4. It will improve taste, until you taste a hit with no butane you won't comprehend the improvement. Much easier to toast a bowl, no more burnt weed or fingers. Healthier for you, people who make the stuff inform folks that in the long term inhalation of lighter fluid can cause cancer.

    Until you get a system down for lighting the wick it's a little awkward. When you're baked sometimes you believe you put it out but you haven't and hilarity ensues. When you run out or lose it, and both will happen, it really eats at you for awhile. When you find it though it's akin to getting a christmas present from someone you haven't seen in years.
  5. just vape lol no every head shop i have been has them i like the taste i dont smoke much anymore so i dont buy it again with this butain is not harmfull after it has been on fire it turns to water vapor and something else it just has a bad taste
  6. If your using beeline I always find it helpful to buy a candle also. Just so you don`t always have to relight the beeline with a lighter after every hit (I like putting it out after each hit since I usually take my time in smoking a bowl).
  7. I've seen it at a few head shops, it doesn't cost a whole lot.

    Its worth it if you like your bowls to taste nice.
  8. Pro
    - The packet from the beeline is decent to cover bowls that won't stop burning.

    - The smoke from the beeline when you pinch out the fire and it keeps burning for a second is really nasty smelling, I hate, but not enough to keep me from using it.

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