noob question about nutes/drainage in soil / water

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by starcecil, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. I have some Miracle-Gro Potting Soil. I ended up buying the kind that it claims to feed plants for up to 6 months. I also bought a bag of Perlite that is also a Miracle-Gro product that is "enriched with miraclegro plant food"

    Question 1 : Despite everything I read I can't seem to quite figure out when its best to start adding nutes to water, especially since my soil and perlite both have nutes in them for the plant to live up to 6 months.

    * I was talking to a great friend and all he told me was when its time to flower just mix in a Tablespoon or so of black strap mollases into a gallon of water and water as needed. I guess it really helps them - IDK who knows this but I hope at least this bit of info can be passed on for others to try. *

    Question 2 : If im just using soil and perlite should I go with a 50/50 mix or just 80% soil 20% perlite? A lot of the soil mixes I see have a bunch of other compound in them I'm not so sure about using or if adding them will even make that big of a difference
  2. A lot of growers on here will tell you to stay away from miracle grow products..

    as for the nutrients dont start adding them untill your plants is at least 3-4 weeks old

    and perilite do the 80-20 since it has the food on them..never heard of that stuff but

    you wouldn't want to burn if you added to much lol not saying you will but, just in case.

    Good luck and Have Fun growing:)
  3. Your soil is preferted. There may be no need for feeding for the entire grow. If you do add extra ferts, you definitely run the risk of burning them.

    My advice, get some soil and perlite without ferts. Makes you life much easier and enables you to control the fert amounts.

    Good luck.
  4. Since this stuff already has food should I maybe place the seedlings in not nuted soil?

    I bought some peat pots and as soon as the seeds crack I plan on growing them in some 4 inch peat pots for the first week or so
  5. miracle grow stores their soil in large piles outdoors where harmful insects and other "less-than-desired" critters can hideaway in the soil. I always suggest either foxfarm ocean forest or happy tree frog

    FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company
  6. I agree with thegratefulldan if you can avoid it. Do It, if you can't.. Break out some cassarole dishes and fill them with dirt heat to 165 degrees it will kill anything living in your dirt.
  7. Ok well I went back to the store close to here and picked up a 16 quart bag of ACE hardware soil... has anyone ever used it?

    Compared to that miracle gro stuff it is really dense and heavy. I was looking on the bag of the miracle gro perlite and the nutes they add really aren't that much. On the bag it says "Enriched with MG plant food" and on the back its listed as .04 .01 and .06 I will be mixing it 80/20 so those numbers should be ok?

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