noob growing

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ckoedel, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. all i have is one seed. can it sprout and how?
  2. #2 mcherbie, Jul 30, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 30, 2009
    Nice post!

    I'm only guessing but evolution might come into play here, seeds try to turn into plants!

    Unfortunately for you 50% of them may be male!

    Fingers crossed pal.........

    Seriously......... read the stickies !?
  3. yup, sure can.. stick it in some soil and moisten it up.. add your lights and a small fan and wait.
  4. Read, tons of posts on how to germinate and grow. Try the sticky thread at the top of the forum and also try the search button. Hint: search works better if you search for key words in the thread title, not just in the thread body.
  5. so germinating through paper towel and plastic bag is not the best idea in this terrible situation?
  6. :smoking:You'd better be lucky...

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