Hello, I am growing 2 plants indoors for the first time, and I was hoping to get some help with my setup. I am both on a budget and quite ignorant when it comes to growing, as you will see from my photos. I don't expect much of a yield - I just used a couple seeds from some good weed a friend had, and do not even know if either of them are female yet. They also share a single pot. I know they should each have their own pots but I only had 1 and wanted better chances of getting a girl. I was just planning to kill either of them if they are male, and if I have to kill both I will try again. The plants are about 4 weeks old, counting from the time they first emerged from the soil. I topped each of them yesterday to delay upward growth, and now I am learning how to FIM, so I hope to try that later on. I used fresh organic growing soil with a very light amount of organic fertilizer, and I have one 23 watt CFL and one 20 watt CFL firing on them for 18 hours per day. I water them once a day with unenhanced tap water. I made a little ghetto-shack to house them and reflect light, which I spray-painted white as best I could. Any advice on how to improve any aspect of my setup at a reasonable cost would be much appreciated. I will go ahead and throw out a few questions that I already have and need help on: As you can see in the pictures I have attached, some of the leaves near the top of the canopy are folding lengthwise alone their main vein. Is this a problem? I have read so far that it may be because there is too much heat, but the lights seem to be a good distance from the plants and I can hold my hand under the lights indefinitely without feeling discomfort. I have also read it could be over-watering, which sounds plausible to me given I am still getting used to how much water to give them. Any insight into why this is happening and what I should do? Next question concerns lighting. I have a 10.5 Philips LED warm white 3000K bulb that I am planning to install in place of the 20 watt CFL when it comes time to go to the flowering stage. I am planning to leave the 23 watt CFL running alongside it 12 hours per day. Is this a good idea? Should I go ahead and install it now during the vegetative stage? Is the wattage enough? It says on the box that it is equal to a 17 watt CFLi and 85 watt GLS bulb. Finally, I will be leaving town in June for 3 weeks. My girlfriend will watch the plants. I don't want them to enter the flowering stage until I return. Is it OK to keep these plants in the vegetative stage for that long (they would be roughly 11 weeks old when I plan to change their light cycle to initiate flowering)? Thanks in advance for your help. Any constructive criticism is welcome.