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Noob Grow Journal Las Vegas (Help Welcome)

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by ori.wolcon, Mar 6, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]

    This is my first grow outdoors today there was a lot of wind I moved plants under patio roof in backyard. I will post more pics when possible I think it will rain tomorrow.

    By the way the picture is biggest plant week half old I have two other seedlings that just sprouted. I have not bought nutrients yet I don't know which to buy
  2. I highly recommend Earth juice brand for beginners.

    Grow, bloom and catalyst
    It's a very easy nute to use
    Cheap and good
    I used it on my first 2 grows
  3. While they're small like that, give them a little protection from the elements until they've had a chance to develop a solid root system. They're pretty darn hardy and can take a lot, but the less stress they have to endure in the very beginning, the quicker they'll get to growing. My plants always do much better outside than inside. Last year, we had some buds grown outdoors that were 10-12 inches in girth and about 10-12 inches long after they were cured. Be very careful toward the end...around the last 3 weeks of the season before pull, and watch out for bud worms. I lost a good bit last year to them getting on my plants and causing bud rot. So just be aware and watch out for them. They'll ruin your whole crop in a heartbeat if you're not careful. Good luck! TWW
  4. My backyard has a roof over it and I put the plants under there but I'm worried it won't get much light.

    Sent from Mars
  5. I believe you need to get it in the sun to expect any benefits
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Too windy the plants would get knocked over and drown in rain
  7. [​IMG] About 2 weeks old its been windy and rained today.

    Sent from my LGMS500 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. Plant getting big fast watering with fish fertilizer and it rained last night will upload pictures soon
  9. [​IMG]

    Sent from my LGMS500 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  10. Looking healthy !
    Keep it growing
  11. [​IMG] Plant on 3rd pair of leaves now and buried two more seeds. Growing well though I'm laying off on fertiliser as bottom of pots soil staying moist.
  12. [​IMG]

    5Th week (I think??)

    The previous plant I had pics of died this is its successor. For some reason this grew 2 nodes of 3 fingered leaves then skipped to 7 fingered leaves after. Plant getting fish fertilizer until I can afford Fox Farm and in full Sun.
  13. [​IMG]

    Side pic. Im starting 2 more seeds and one sprouted today 4 plants total
  14. Preflowers

    It rained tonight I put plants in closet but have no lights

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