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Noob bong question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ardot, Jan 12, 2010.

  1. Bought a mini bong for the first time to try.... been smokin joints for the past couple years.. problem is it has no carb hole.. the bowl does screw off however... what do i dooooooo :confused:
  2. It unscrews? It's not a pull-out? Is the bowl actually threaded to the downstem? Buy a new downstem and bowl, and convert it over to a more traditional design.
  3. lol....Well first off, dont unscrew the bowl. Just pull the smoke through the tube. If it wont clear just wait until the buds are no longer lit and put easy to clear it
  4. That's not screwed on, it's just a fixed bowl. Remove the grommet from the existing fixed bowl, and fit it over your new slider. Insert your new piece, and away you go.

    Example: Glass Slider - Metalic Bull

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