None of you are real, you're all just part of my imagination.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Agalloch, May 20, 2009.

  1. Calling something logically irrefutable doesn't mean jack shit. AS a previous poster said "Prove invisible butt-faeries don't exist."


    But that doesn't mean its true.
    That doesn't mean its a valid idea.
    That doesn't mean its worth any discourse on.
    That doesn't mean its any less stupid.
    And it certainally doesn't mean that as a result of a dilemma there is a 50% chance either way that it will go. You have a 50% chance that nothing is real or a 50% chance that there is indeed an external reality... FALSE. Just because there's a dilemma doesn't mean there is an equal chance to go both ways. Thats an unjustifiable assumption.

    If infact everything were a figment of your imagination and there is no external reality, then why would you feel pain if I headbutted you in the nose?
    Well I have a rather large forehead, I'm a big guy, and I could probably throw all 200 pounds of my body into that headbutt and you'd certainally feel pain.

    You're telling me hallucinations and dreams cause pain now? Well go ahead and redefine the words to fit your next half-assed attempt to defend a philosophy that literally makes my dick itch.

    There's a reason why this 'solipism' isn't taught in formal education. Because its a crock of shit that exploits a problem in Western Epistemology. And somehow, someway, these deluded people thought that there was some logical connection between "Logically irrefutable" and "true"

    Yeah, so at this point, we should all sit back and realize "Oh man, we should probably discuss more meaningful things, this whole thread has been a waste of time." Well, not exactly, there was some good lulz gained out of it, so it wasn't competely in vain. I quit this thread. :bolt:
  2. What if the theory of your mind is a hallucination.......what you think is your mind could actually be a computer programmed in such a way so as to make you think it's not a computer.
  3. 1) We cannot define our universe as infinite. To creatures like humans, infinity is meaningless. Therefore, it is more meaningful to define the universe as what a being percieves.
    2) since the universe is linked to perception, one's conciousness is the reason the universe exists. So, each person's perception is a universe.
    3) therefore, everything I have percieved in my universe, including all of you in this forum, exists because of me.

    As an example, a book I'm reading about conciousness talks about experiments done on the optic nerve of a frog. Researchers found the nerve only transmits 4 different kinds of signals. Since the human optic nerve transmits many, many more signals than this, the universe of the frog and the universe of a person look remarkably different.
  4. #124 Dawcta Jake, May 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2009
    Man, like, what are you trying to achieve here? Your trying to get somebody to refute something that nobody can prove except you. Nobody can tell if your real or not except yourself....Ok, thats great man. Unless you have some kind of new argument that doesn't involve us not understanding whatever the fuck "metaphysical solipsism" is, let the thread die.

    Not trying to be a dick, just saying.
  5. "1) We cannot define our universe as infinite. To creatures like humans, infinity is meaningless. Therefore, it is more meaningful to define the universe as what a being percieves.
    2) since the universe is linked to perception, one's conciousness is the reason the universe exists. So, each person's perception is a universe.
    3) therefore, everything I have percieved in my universe, including all of you in this forum, exists because of me."

    Faulty logic. Try harder.

  6. :laughing:

  7. I've never seen people get so butt-hurt over metaphysical solipsism.
  8. ^^ Its not metaphysicial solipism that causes my butt to hurt. Its that people with contemporary Western Educations still find the philosophy somewhat credible, and then grossly mis-represent it as some unfallible methodology to how we come to know the world. When really anyone that champions solipism is barking out of their asshole for all intents and purposes.

    But, that is only my opinion. I'm not gonna pretend its fact. Unlike some people around these parts. :p
  9. Refute it using Eastern thinking, then.
  10. Thats the thing though, Eastern Philosophy doesn't really give a flying fuck about "Refuting" stuff. Their way of thinking in regards to the abstract capacity is entirely different, and far less competitive than ours is.

    But one point thats been brought up is that metaphysicial solipism or whatever, is logically irrefutable, and while I may grant that there is no sure-fire way to quell eternal skepticism, that doesn't give it any ounce of legitimacy, creditibility, or infallibility.

    Just because I can't refute something, doesn't mean its not a crock of shit. This is a problem caused by(as i've previously said) a combination of our finite nature and an inability to quell eternal skepticism. Eternal skepticism is really the only thing that keeps it surviving. Western Philosophy has already forsaken it, at least in my opinion it has.
    The only refutation of metaphysicl solipism is through emotion, which whenever I read anything regarding it, my logic says "I don't want to deal with this bologne." and my emotion is like "This shit is retardedly retarded."

    If it really were an ultimate truth, it would seem it would be more prevalent in modern times. But seeing as how the only activity I've seen discoursing on it is by skeevy stoners like ourselves, I sincerely doubt it has any air of legitimacy other than "YOU CAN"T PROVE IT WRONG LOLOLOL" No, but I can prove it unlikely ;) Which if you read all my posts, I think I've already done.

    At least, that's my limited, narrow, close-minded, biased, subjective, opinion. :D :smoking:
  11. Fair enough. I dont think the OP intends to really convince us that he is the... whats the word... brainchild? of the metaphysical solipsist exisitence he describes, I think he was just trying to bait people who werent familiar with it into TRYING to refute it, which, as I've stated before, is only going to give you a headache.

    For that purpose, metaphysical solipsism is bulletproof. You cannot realistically disprove it, certainly not without a novel of near incomprehensible gibberish.

    And of course, as has been stated, irrefutability != truth.

    Metaphysical Solipsism does raise very important questions about perception and what we define as "reality".... if someone downs 10 ounces of shrooms and a sheet of acid, and permanently hardwires his world into something bizzare and unrecognizable from our own, is his reality any more or less valid than ours? For all points and purposes, in his world, the sky is purple, and purple is a taste.
  12. You exist and I exist but you didn't know I existed until I made myself aware to you by posting this. Now I exist in your reality, and you in mine.

    If you are claiming you have created all of us, then you best have the most perfect reason imaginable and have it be so in my opinion, to have made me insane.
    By that I mean not allowing me to control my anger, and having my emotions rocket to extremes with little warning.

    Is your mind that desperate for certain things it will actually make shit up?
    The way I see it, this is life, it isn't a dream it really sucks this much. There is nothing you can do about it.
    Unless of course this is just a horrible virtual reality gone wrong, and the only way to take the helmet off is to die.

    The only reason I say that is because I've been told that we lose a certain amount of weight when we die from the energy in our body being released.

    I don't know if this is even relevent to the topic anymore. :smoking:
  13. Don't forget to reload, Doctor Freeman.
  14. Well , if you want proof that people dont exist through you, i will be glad to help. I will simply murder you and when everything keeps continuing as normal, all the people in this thread will know that you were lying and it can be laid to rest :D
  15. i've thought this since i was a jit
    ur all robots to me, i dont know if yall really exist
    My body isnt even real its just something i project to myself so that i allow myself to do wat i do
  16. People might think im a dick for agreeing with you but sometimes i think of that aswell
    everyone exist through me and im the special one, but im guessing LOADES of people say that haha

    like your the only one who does what u like when u like?
  17. It is a well thought philosophy because it questions our concept of reality. What is reality? Everyone takes in their surroundings and interpret them in the ways their brain developed. This is why to the insane man you are living a delusion while he is talking to the giant orange. To him he is living in reality because his brain interprets it that way. In the same regards we may be living with the same psychosis. I could be your own consciousness responding to your input. This entire thread could be created by you in your head. It could be a way to rationalize your ideas and your own thoughts without interrupting your delusion. That is why this is a well thought (I think they meant well known) philosophical idea. How does anyone know that what they see is real. You may believe it is, you may even "know" it is but that has no true merit. Think of a dream; A dream seems real while were dreaming, this is because our brain is interpreting our input as reality. But is a dream real? This same logic can be applied to our "real" world.
  18. I still submit that you all exist through my ego. :D
  19. Oh yeah?

    Then how am I doing?


  20. I hope you're doing well. I'm sure you're doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing though. :D


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