non-glass pipes for short-term use.

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by biorobotics, Aug 3, 2012.

  1. i've got a glass pipe and bong back home, but i'm in another province visiting my family for two weeks. i didn't bring my tools with me (didn't want to risk it, on an airplane), so i'm looking for something to use while i'm here. i checked out the local hemp store, and my best option in terms of cheap cost seems to be a pipe made of... i want to say some kind of wood, or bamboo? i forget exactly, but it's extremely basic and the guy at the shop said he's had one last for about a month, as long as you're not burning the hell out of the edges.
    anyone know what i'm talking about/have any experience with these kinds of pipes? like i said, i'm only here for two weeks, and i won't be bringing the pipe back with me, so i don't want to buy another glass piece or anything too pricey (my bong was about $20, glass pipe $10, this other pipe was about $6).
  2. I'd personal buy the cheapest glass you can. A small chillum/pipe for only 10 is worth it to me. Glass>everything. And if you want to clean it, you may be able to get it on the plane. If not, put it in a hiding spot and make a note- you never know if you may go back later :)
  3. Find an Arab gas station and get a $10 glass pipe
  4. I worked in a smoke shop many years ago and most people i knew asking for a temp pipe were happy with a simple corncob or wood pipe they smoke fine in short term.

    If you enjoy making pipes or being creative try using ingenuity and what you have around you for fun. I always enjoy making odd bongs etc when normal accessories were not available. Think honey bottle bubbler.
  5. For some weird reason, wood pipes always gave me coldsores. So wood=herpes? and glass=amazing? Hahah no but really either smoke out of an apple or buy a cheap $5 piece at a smoke shop or gas station. Or those $2 corn cob pipes aren't all that bad
  6. Glass cigs for like 5 dollars or mayb just buy some papers? You can bring the papers back with you. :)

  7. i don't smoke joints, or rather, i would much rather not.
  8. You can get a cig one-hitter for like 5 bucks or a metal pipe for 10 at pretty much every head shop.
  9. your bong was only 20 bucks?

  10. yep.:D
  11. ended up buying a $6 corn cob pipe; works great, minimal smoke, tiny.
    i'm all set. :D

  12. Lol i laughed at this, has to be an arab one :laughing:
  13. corn cob pipe works, but i'm still paranoid as hell about the smoke/smell. i mentioned that there was minimal smoke; well, that was until i used it for more than a super-quick puff, and now smoke seeps out through the pores of the bowl.

    i'm considering getting one of those tiny metal pipes...

    looks like you can just load it up, seal it, and stick it in your pocket.
    any experience with these things? it doesn't look like there's anywhere for excess smoke to come out, so this would be great, but is it really as discreet as i'm imagining it is? would it be worth spending another ~$15, or should i just keep using the corn cob and take the risk of billowing smoke?
  14. Those things should not be anywhere near $15.... Should be closer to $5. You should of just got a small glass pipe. The metal ones in the picture do have minimal smoke though...

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