Non Feminized Seeds

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by robweis, May 16, 2019.

  1. Hi,
    The seeds that I purchased are not feminized,
    If the female plants become fertilized and produce seeds are flowers and buds still potent enough to be harvested, dried, and good for smoking, or discard the males and let the females run their course?
    I'm asking these questions because this is the first time that I'm going to grow cannabis.
    Thank you,
    Robert Weisbloom
  2. 3a5.jpg
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  3. Once the sex is known pull the males or separate one pair for breeding.
    You could also separate one male and harvest the pollen to selectively breed.

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  4. A fertilized seeded plant will still get you high it's just not very smooth and tasty. The seed production gives an oily flavor to many strains.
    All the Mexican dirt weed we smoked in the 1960s-1970s was 1/3 seeds. You'd use a cookie sheet and a credit card to deseed it before rolling.

    Males show early and are very easy to spot as flower starts and most of us pull and discard them. If you want to create seeds without seeding the entire plant it's simple enough. As the males show either transplant back into a movable pot or clip the top and place it stem down in a jar of water.

    Have a suitable containment space like a closet or even a large clear bag will work. Collect pollen and paint a lowest branch on a female plant with it. Just that branch will produce seeds and the rest of her will be useable.

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  5. Everything I smoked in the 60's and 70's had seeds. :D
  6. if you can avoid having seeds do it, seeds in buds are the worst
  7. Thanks
  8. You have well over a week between being able to identify a plant as male, and running the risk of pollen being released. There should be no concerns of pollination
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  9. Thanks
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