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no0's houston bud

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by no0, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. just a quick flick of some buds i've been getting in the past few weeks.

    i have no idea what a lot of these strains are called, but whatever.

    nowhere near as good as some of the bud i see on here, but i thought i'd give it a shot, haha.
  2. i think that last one pictured i recently acquired here in houston as well haha
  3. i get shit like that i live near houston
  4. i consider katy practically houston haha takes me like 5 minutes to be in what is consider katy well 10 minutes to get to katy mills mall
  5. #5 no0, Feb 13, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2011
    met with a new guy yesterday and got an 8th of some no name. he labeled it as "kush", but this shit doesn't look as good as the stuff i get from my other guy. i have yet to sample this "kush", but we'll see how it goes.

  6. Who knows you might be surprised, ^^^:smoke::smoke: Anyway nice looking buds son.
  7. bubba
    some fluffy ass shit
    nuggs of blue cheese. shit smells like rotted onions or somethin funky.
  8. these are honestly some of the best looking buds on this site
  9. i'm not even sure if you're being sarcastic or not; but thanks.
  10. im not being sarcastic, i love nice shaped, perfectly trimmed buds
  11. Buds are definitely lookin good man
  12. 'preciate the props.
  13. looks dense and dank as fuck good pick up!
  14. yea what are u talking about. id say this is some of the better stuff on here. without a doubt. trimmed right. looking compact. frosty. some fire.
  15. This. is all.:smoke:
  16. ^thanks bruh. i've made the decision that i'm gonna cut like, .2 off every different strain i've bought til summer. by the time the beginning of summer rolls around i'm thinkin of just rolling a super fat "salad joint" of all the different strains i've sampled throughout the year.
  17. Damn, shit looks good. I'm glad my actual cousin's in houston get good bud haha :smoke:
  18. #19 no0, Apr 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2011
    just got some blue dream. goddadmn.

  19. bump. dat blue dream.

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