Hey folks, How do you guys interpret the song No Woman, No Cry? I used to think that it meant that if there were no woman around, you wouldn't cry. Then I realized that it probably means that a girl shouldn't cry and Bob Marley is comforting her. Talk about it...
its clearly no woman stop crying.. it says at some point "So dry your tears I say..... no woman no cry" and "dont shed no tears" etc and it makes sense cause he's reminiscing thru the whole song ,talking to this girl.. this reminds me of the first year i started smoking..id smoke every weekend..hah I havent heard this since back then..its been 9-8 years..? my first highs. Marley,Max Romeo,Alpha Blondy etc.. how nice..i still catch up with that girl i used to hang out back then.. she moved away a few years ago. a few times per year..we smoke and its like then..such a genuine great high.. we're still friends..She's one of my oldest friends actually. Marley...awesome times
Lyrical speaking, you are spot on man. But I know some people still take it the other way. It takes some time to figure it out, I guess.
if you listen to the lyrics the song is clearly about comforting a woman and telling her to remember the good times.
To me, he's saying simply No women = no crying. But i interpret his 'sad' tone as if to say like 'yeah, you could live your life not taking risks and not living it to the full, and yeah you wont get hurt.. but in the end the people who take the risks and speak out are the ones that enjoy it the most, and getting hurt (emotionally/having you beliefs mocked/being told to not treat life the positive way) is just part of waking up and living.' just dont be comfortably numb. Marley, oh how i miss you.