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no progress in grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by flagaman709, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. #1 flagaman709, Dec 22, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2012
    i have a sproted seedling with shell casing half open ans some white thing coming out but it has been like that for about 2 days no progress at all
    what could have made it stop growing

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  2. how far has the root come out
  3. hold one i will add a pic
  4. sprouting seeds is the hardest part
  5. its about a inch above ground
    but its been like that for a while now
  6. i no why there is no progress because its dead :(
    stem is purple and i can sense it
    i just dont understand
    had 2 23w cfls on for 24hrs -70f-75% humidity, only watered when soil was dry
    everything was right but still....
  7. Yeah dude se times no matter what they still die :/
  8. #9 Doc-J, Dec 25, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2012
    Gently pull that seed shell off and she should open up the cotyledons. Some sprouts need a little assistance. Just be careful not to break the stem or damage the leaves.
  9. Pull the shell off the seed and hold the water. It take a seedling a while to get growing but once they have 4 nodes they go crazy.

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