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No Oven Firecrackers

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by MasterChiefKief, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. whats up everyone im new on this site and i was wondering if i could get some advice on making some potent firecrackers with these headies i have but i dont have access to a stove or oven, i know you can let them sit out but for how long, how much bud, and how much peanut butter/oil?

    any help is appreciated
  2. Per cracker about .5 to a gram if it's dank, if it's mid grade use a gram. Let them sit out wrapped in tin foil for like 3-4 days
  3. [quote name='"Retrix"']Per cracker about .5 to a gram if it's dank, if it's mid grade use a gram. Let them sit out wrapped in tin foil for like 3-4 days[/quote]


    but i use plastic wrap and let it sit out for a week

    and use a little oil with the peanut butter, and stir it all together in a small dish before spreading it on the cracker
  4. Depends. Each person is different. People say .5 of dank, and I've used a gram of MMJ, and barely felt anything. I used 2.5 grams of some niiice mids, and again, just a little buzz.

    I cooked it right so it wasn't that. I've tried edibles multiple times but I need a lot... I've only been baked once from edibles and that was a half ounce of some mids thrown in some brownies, and we split the tray in 4.

    It's the same with alcohol for me though. For my size I can drink a lot, and I don't drink that often either.

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