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No name free gram

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Pogmoney, Feb 4, 2014.

  1. Got this from a buddy who used to deal. I guess he thought of it as some sort of promotional deal for me to start buyin' from him again. Either way I'm happy to have it. ^_^--------------------------------------- Smoke On! c(o.oc)

    Attached Files:

  2. Damn that looks like a fat ass gram

    ㅠ ㅑㅅ cㅗ ㄴㅁ ㅛ ㅈㅁ ㅅ
  3. No name? Nigga, that's free weed. And Free Weed is the best strain there is!
  4. [quote name="HighAsBirdPussy" post="19461903" timestamp="1391488234"]Damn that looks like a fat ass gram ㅠ ㅑㅅ cㅗ ㄴㅁ ㅛ ㅈㅁ ㅅ[/quote]Was 1.4 ^_^--------------------------------------- Smoke On! c(o.oc)
  5. [quote name="fearjar" post="19461912" timestamp="1391488330"]No name? Nigga, that's free weed. And Free Weed is the best strain there is![/quote]I heard that hahah--------------------------------------- Smoke On! c(o.oc)
  6. Looks like fire Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  7. Damn that's a sick dealer. I wish dispensaries hooked it up with free weed hahah
  8. Nice lookin bud  :yummy:
  9. Looks yum
    :p always mention your birthday to your dealers and dispensaries.... Trust me!

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