No more Weed. I'm officially done.

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Sublemon, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. #1 Sublemon, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2009
    Well fuck, I don't know how to go on about this but let me say i had one shitty as night last night.

    It all started with a cold but ordinary day going to school. I am a freshmen in a university in Califonia so weed is in my blood if you know what i mean. So i came back to my room after spending 7 hours in the library today typing out essays and other assorted tasks. After doing this much work, I decided to head back to my dorm room and hit up some freinds that live around my hall to smoke

    The day before, I picked up a 20 sac and decided to save it in case of need so that that night, i chilled in a freinds room and decided to roll up some J's. After doing this I went to my room, chilled and played some FIFA and decided that before bed, I'd go out for a smoke. After I came back ppl were saying that I smelled like weed, yet I wasnt exactly sure how this happened!.

    I'll admit, I was dumb as shit for going out to smoke, but I feel like the campus police were smelling ppl down my halls weed and decided to bust me because I came out of my room. Only after the entire incident did I realize that if i had stayed in my room, thy wuld have never known. so fuck me, ill take the blame. Ill admit, I was a noob when i came to dealing with police.

    So i go to the bathroom and I come back and BAM, police and RA outside my door. They ask if I have smoked recently and shit is running through my mind. Do i not allow them to search or what? Do i tell them shit or not? I'm in college so they said for me to hand over the weed which I did, they asked me other shit like when I smoked and other shit then they said one thing that scared the living shit out of me:

    officer:"whats your major?"
    me: "Pre-Dental"
    Officer:"well you wont be doing that anymore..."

    After hearing this I freaked the fuck out. Not a go belligerent freak out, but more of a psychological battle. Anyway, this really stressed me out so I went outside to talk to the officer. in this situation, I had been compliant and shit and he began to ask me for info about my dealer. I told him shit, but I lied in the process. I didnt want to be a snitch so I told him shit, but falsified it as well. The dealer lives like 2 mins away, yet i told him that he lives 20 mins away. I gave him a phone number but it was a false one that he said to give to the cops in case shit happened like this.

    After talking with other people, they said that this will go down as a slap on the wrist, they wont do shit, and I might have to attend a weed at school meeting. The Ironic part about this was I dont smoke that much, not like the ounces that ppl down my hall have way mre in terms of other shit. God damn I am so happy i took my bub, my papers and other shit out of my room, my grinder was in another room so I was clear. They only walked out with a 20 sac and a nice spliff i rolled earlier. Another ironic part was that I had planned on cutting back to only smoking on weekends, yet I get caught. now im done.

    Well after this shit. Fuck weed, its getting me in trouble haha. not the weed, but it was my fault, but I needed to quit anyway.

    thanks for listening. fuck i need to rant though,
  2. you got yourself introuble....learn to watch your shit.
  3. quit if you think you need to, but don't blame weed for getting your ass busted.
  4. I got arrested at my dorm in a similar situation. It really helps to know your rights.

    NEVER give consent to search. ever.
  5. Wtf why give up the mary jane? Trust me they use scare tactics. Shit aint going to happen. Just dont be as dumb as you played out the night.

    It's all good man, no need to quit her just be more careful.
  6. #6 Lucy+Molly, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2009
    lol thats what i said when i got caught at my college smokin in the dorms...i got kicked out for the semester...later on that day i was back to smoking lol...just be careful is all i can say

    haha i didnt read ur story til now...funny u said u mite have to do some weed meeting...they made me do drug counseling and it fuckin stupid cuz its weed i didnt need drug counseling...i knew it was strictly confidential so i decided to make a joke out of it...i told this lady that i dropped acid 2-3 times a week and have done xtc on numerous occasions and that i blaze all the time (thats actually true) and i do OC's and percs and i drink all the time and i eat shrooms etc...i thought it was hilarious, it was almost kinda fun lol and i was high as fuck too...cant go to that shit sober lol...this lady thought i was crazy...i think i had 2, hour and a half sessions with her.

    then i had to do a drug class with a bunch of other people who got caught drinking and smokin on campus and i actually showed up for that late cuz i was blazing...i mean if ur gonna make me do dumb fucking shit im not gonna take it serious at all
  7. ive thought about it...i love beautifl MJ to quit. but Im definately gonna be more careful,

    "I'll admit, I was dumb as shit for going out to smoke, but I feel like the campus police were smelling ppl down my halls weed and decided to bust me because I came out of my room. Only after the entire incident did I realize that if i had stayed in my room, thy wuld have never known. so fuck me, ill take the blame. Ill admit, I was a noob when i came to dealing with police."

    "Well after this shit. Fuck weed, its getting me in trouble haha. not the weed, but it was my fault, but I needed to quit anyway."

    just on recrd, i never blamed weed, i admitted it was my fault
  8. i've quit before. a few times actually. you'll come back to the herb eventually.
  9. #9 AbluntAday, Dec 7, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 7, 2009
  10. well it sucks that you got busted, but take it as a lesson learned.

    i'm glad that you can take responsibility for yourself and quit while you're in college. you've still got your whole life to smoke. it's better to wait five or six years and get college outta the way and get settled in then to get busted and fuck up your whole life or weed.

    +rep man, i hope you can stay and enjoy the city. i haven't blazed in 72 days and i don't plan on smokin for a good while, so don't think you have to leave the GC just so you don't get tempted to smoke.
  11. u got busted cause you talked keep your mouth shut and leave the dorm. same shit happend to me when a RA from another floor was pokin her nose outside doors said she smelled weed and I go so what if my coat smells im leaving and left the dorm and never got stopped
  12. rule number 1: dont get caught.

    If you follow this rule, you will never get caught :) Do everything in your power to hide smell and everything else associated with weed. Smoking is illegal for most people, so just try to look as legal as possible...and follow rule number 1
  13. dont blame weed for ur stupidness
  14. Not to be a dick, but you handled yourself in the worst way possible. You shouldn't of handed anything over to them. If they find it, they find it - but why just hand it to them. At the very least, make 'em work for it by looking. It's your own fault bro, gotta learn how to deal with the police better.
  15. Maybe a good plan for you is to quit smoking in the dorms? Smoke when you move out into an apartment or someone else's crib.
  16. What an asshole. Getting a misdemeanor will not deter you from getting into med school if your grades are good. Its college, and a lot of people understand that students do stupid shit in college. I cant stand cops who think they are doing the world a favor by trying to ruin innocent peoples lives because they smoked a fucking plant.

  17. This. I'm always careful. Because one little mistake can fuck you over. One mistake I had recently was that I left an empty baggy on the floor and I'm sure my parents picked it up and put it on my Human development book but they never said anything. I gotta be more careful next time.
  18. Nobody likes a quitter.
  19. Do you guys really think he's done for good? He had a big scare. I know I'd be saying the same thing if I was him. He'll smoke eventually but probably not anytime soon because of fear.
  20. Winners never quit, quitters never win

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