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No more bud on a cruise ship!

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Tokintb12, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Bombarded with questions about the new rules on cruise ships
    I have never been on a cruise ship
    Floating norovirus

    Apparently Carnival has gone with live aboard handler and dog teams.......for cannabis
    Stupid is roaring back

    So the main question is; Does syrup and oil smell or set off a reaction from a trained dog?
    Simple filtered syrup or oil will smell
    The stuff I process I'm not sure of the odor
    Does the carbon strip enough of the compounds making up the odor

    Drunk 60 person brawls are ok but burning a doobie on the lito is federal prison
    So cruising is drunk fighting and norovirus.....and exploding toilets
    That's Animal House.....

    Anybody with cruise experience or knowledge of refined RSO please help
    Think some cancellations might be coming
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  2. U should take a vape with you... If you throw them in with all your other "vapes" they shouldn't question u lol
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  3. I didn't want to believe this but it seems to be true. I think it will have limited effects- they have a lot of ships and there are lots of passengers on those ships. Still, if you're on the ship they search and get caught it would be a bummer. In my limited, two cruise experience I took caps and a vape pen without a problem. I would not have tried to bring or smoke flower. Something inexplicable and scary happened on my return one time with caps in my bag making me decide to leave anything left after my cruise behind in the future. I don't think they would have been searching me after I disembarked, but as I said what happened scared me. It was nothing, but I was unnerved for a good 45 minutes convinced I was going to jail.
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  4. #4 Tokintb12, Jun 21, 2023
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2023
    This question has come up before in a general conversation
    Folks are filling out their bucket list and like the flexibility the oil and syrup gives them
    The two carriers have gone EVERYWHERE!

    @BrewsnWeed666 they are cracking down on CBD oil so
    if they allow vaping and smoking then you can switch out the cartridges but I'm not sure of the procedure

    @Joker1121 if you could share some of your experience with embarkation and disembarkation
    Where and when you used your vape and any tips & tricks

    Anyone with cruise knowledge and experience please help!

    Edit: just to clarify
    Don't give your secrets away but tell us what to expect so we can make decisions
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. i take RSO and/or full spectrum pills.
    i can smell it.
    plain THC i can't,i don't know if a dog could.
    it's the other cannabinoids that i smell.

    i never encountered a drug sniffing dog,but what i understand...
    dogs can't smell though things.
    you put bud in an air tight glass jar and the dog walks by it 2 minutes later.
    been in the jar for a day,your busted.
    smell goes through pores,even glass longer it's in it.
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  6. I didn't do anything special. The caps weren't any problem and I don't vape much. I had a few hits a day in the room. What happened that scared me was my luggage was missing on debarkation and an official ( don't know what kind of official any more) was checking me out and another official walked up and said "is this her?" and took me with him. I was sure I was busted, but he just finished checking me out. In the interim my wife found my luggage which was just misplaced.

    I would carry capsules and a vape pen again as I would just need a one gram pen and a capsule a day. I wouldn't do anything special to get them on board, just throw them in with my checked luggage or keep them close in a carry on. I don't think I'd risk bud.

    Those drug dogs are scary good. They can smell bud sealed in a coffee can with coffee.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. dont even believe the dog stories
    down here in south texas at the check stations , these dogs smell drugs in fuel tanks of trucks if that tell you how there sniffers are, even in 55 gal drums of soap they have busted the cartel life line, i have seen them unload semi truck and trailers full of water melons to find in the middle of the melons drugs stashed.
    both in fort stockton and falfurrias check stations .
    • Like Like x 4
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Those new rules on cruise ships are quite something, huh? I understand that you have concerns about syrup and oil in terms of odor and detection by trained dogs. While I can't speak to the intricacies of carbon stripping odors from refined substances, it's a given that cruise lines are becoming increasingly strict on certain substances, including cannabis.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. I'm shipping out Saturday for New England and Canada and I plan on taking a bag of cannabis chocolates in my carry on bag. If I see drug dogs I'll just eat the chocolate quickly. Some friends are on the same ship this week and I can get the scoop on what's happening on board from them. It's a shame I can't bring anything back from Maine or Canada.
  10. Make sure YOU are the overwhelming source of the cannabis smell. Harvest the day before. Rub everything with Bud resin. Clothes. Luggage. Body. :) I love hitting the supermarket on harvest day. I've seen people in the isle behind me sniffing the air LMAO.
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  11. What bothers me is that the crack down on cannabis has led to higher alcohol consumption which the cruise lines profit from but then they give it right back to settle lawsuits and give credits to passengers who have been involved in the increased violence from the over consumption of alcohol and inevitable fights and accidents
    You can profit off a cinnamon roll and coffee too without the risks

    Imagine the profits to be made with a stoner cruise
    They could make their own edibles and charge a fortune
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. #12 ByronVasquez, Oct 12, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2023
    If you're reconsidering the cruise vacation, you're not alone. I've seen discussions where people are actively debating whether to go ahead with their cruise plans given the new rules. On that note, have you checked out cruisetimetables? It's a comprehensive site that could help you make a more informed decision.
  13. I'm leaving on a Carnival cruise Saturday. Every stop will be somewhere cannabis is legal- Maine and Canada, and it's also legal here in Virginia, our starting port. I'm disappointed to not be able to bring some cannabis home. I'll be taking these in my pocket- Press tabs. Last time I brought caps in my luggage and my luggage went missing for a while. It was nerve wracking, but the luggage was just misplaced. Oh, funny thing. When I got the the hotel prior to the cruise I found a note in my checked luggage that TSA had inspected my bag. Luckily I guess they were looking for explosives and not using a drug dog at the airport.

    Attached Files:

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  14. Carnival does have competitors
    Are all cruise lines using dogs?
  15. YES and hidden camera's & microphones to cover every inch of the ship. :rolleyes:;) I'd say it aint an accident that they are stopping where weed is legal??? Just a guess?:)
  16. Take some lessons from mules.

    Wrap weed in several small ballons/condoms, swallow it. Take laxative to retrieve.

    How drugs get into a lot of places where there a drug sniffing dogs.
  17. Ya could always keister it. :eek: Prison wallets come in sizes tight end to wide receiver. :roflmao:

  18. Good luck
    Message us if you need bail!;)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Back home from our Carnival cruise up the East Coast of the US to Portland, Maine and a few stops in Canada. I never saw a dog or any type of inspections of luggage or carry on stuff getting on/off the ship. Edibles would not have been a problem. I nearly outsmarted myself. I took one dose of infused chocolate from the dispensary, but took it out of the sealed bag with the content label and put it in a zip lock bag in my carry on pack. They would have confiscated it getting on the ship because it wasn't in a sealed container. After one security person told me it wasn't OK, I just failed to mention it going through customs. I did not go shopping for cannabis in Portland or Canada. There are lots of warnings about cannabis being illegal and not allowed on board, but again there were no inspections. I did not ever smell cannabis on board. The Carnival people say the inspections and consequences are out of their hands and up to the customs folks so the consequences of getting caught might have been bad. They're real serious about fruits and vegetables not crossing borders, but if you kept your mouth shut they would never have known you had cannabis. I still won't chance botanical cannabis on a cruise ship, but think caps and tinctures would be safe. We did have a problem getting our luggage once on the ship. It was raining and the luggage tags faded so you couldn't see the room number. We had name tags on our bags, but I see where they might have opened them to ascertain ownership. I think it would be a fluke to get caught with caps and tinctures. The consequences of smoking in undesignated areas are severe- $500 fine and banned from the cruise line though a discrete vape would have probably been fine in a smoking area, but I didn't go to any of those spots on board not being a smoker.
    • Winner Winner x 1

  20. So it seems the smell is the big culprit
    Its why people complain
    So syrup in the morning/afternoon and oil in the evening/night
    • Agree Agree x 1

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