No lie: I've kept track of how many times I've smoked weed

Discussion in 'General' started by incrededibles, Jun 26, 2017.

  1. Flashback to freshman year, my first time partying as well as my first time smoking. A frat brother pulled out a bong he called "Michael Jordan" and the first hit made my virgin lungs scream for help. When I was finished coughing, the first thing I noticed was that I REALLY liked the taste. After that night I would periodically be offered weed from my friends and then: me a dumb newb decided to record add a tally in my phone notes for shits. It almost became a compulsion to mark down every time I smoked the devils lettuce.

    I was never really proud of myself it just felt like a fun kinda experiment. This was for everyday I decided to smoke, I never tried to count how many times I would smoke up in a day. Anyways I'm a graduate and my number is now "196 times". I'm too embarrassed to tell my irl friends but I thought you guys might find this post mildly amusing . No? Just me? Well you're welcome anyway!

    Have any of you done this or do you guys have any of your own embarrassing weed smoking rituals?

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  2. But why? What results are you hoping for from this experiment?
  3. Literally for shits dude. Maybe you can give me an answer

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  4. Okay not "literally". I do not want the shits.

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    • Funny Funny x 3
  5. Autism?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Good job..

    I'm about a million sessions ahead of you tho! :p
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Definitely autism.
  8. As if it's bad to have autism? I thought stoner forums were chill

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  9. We are chill, you're the one with sand in your vag. Relax and laugh. It's fun
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  10. Also, who said autism is bad?
  11. When I was your age I kept track of how many times I screwed so I guess I can relate. You smoked 196 tmes, eh? I've kept track of how many years I smoked. 50 years. So if I had smoked as many times as you I would only average 4 times a year. I think it'll take you a while to catch up. And here in Grasscity it's bad form to tell people to GTFO. You can say what you want and still be courteous, even to dumb shits.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Noted thanks. I'm glad you kinda get it

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  13. Welp I do not even know how many times I have smoked but I never really wanted to bother to keep track, guess I was too busy just enjoying it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Trust me bro i've had rituals but not as many for weed.

    i used to save the bags of drugs i smoked in a box. one time a friend took a video of it with me smoking and put it on you tube.
  15. What, no, I've been smoking like 16 years, I can't remember every single time I got down.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. Where can we find this film on you tube?

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  17. It's weird you liked the taste on the first hit. It took me about 3 smoke seshes before I loved the taste. I thought it tasted like straight grass or leaf or dirt combo. Then I tried snorting finely ground weed once. Not worth. At all. It tastes exactly like how when I first smoked, but even more pungent. It's nasty lol. I don't like shit up my nose anyways
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  18. I couldn't do that, I'm high all the time.

    All I write when I'm high is "How to take over the World" repeatedly in my journal...Journals...Many journals.:coolalt:
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  19. Nice! :thumbsup:
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  20. I don't wanna now how often I smoke and even less do I want to know how much I paid for it. I think I'm well past 5000 times
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