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No Killer Instinct Thread Yet?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by TheBigH, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. if i do end up getting an xbox one, im definitley getting killer instinct.  This shit looks awesome lol
  2. It looks good but I'm worried how it will stack up against things like Marvel vs Capcom and other games like that.  The huge combo system worked a lot better when the combat way more basic(SNES/SEGA days) it doesn't seem like the juggle/aerials of other fighter games has been added.  They gameplay just seems....basic
    I loved this game back in the day.  Cinder and Spinal were my dudes I just don't see enough evolution in this re-boot 
  3. Agreed.  My main guys were Fulgore and Glacius.  I also heard this is a "free to play" game, the downside being that you have to pay for individual characters.  That is just stupid IMO, and ruins this title's comback just a tad. Not 100% on that, just a rumour.  BUT if that was true, who would shell out $3 a peice for characters.  What if I only bought like 4..

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