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NM 505 Pick up Quarter of Acapulco Gold!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Stackeds, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. #1 Stackeds, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    Me and a homiey went halfers on a half oz 150, 75 each





    Havent smoked any yet but im about to fix that ill update you guys on the smoke!
  2. Damn good deal.
  3. Damn when I saw first pic I was like dude why are you even posting this shit outdoor bud on here but by the time I saw the third one I realized that was some fire

    nice pickup, how much did it run you?

  4. hell ya a normal quarter of dank where am at it like 90-100 depends on dealer. my dealer charged 100 but i got a new dealer.

    haha ya this shit is killer just smoked some fuck i am high haha me and my homie went 50/50 on a half ounce for 150 so 75 each great deal normal quarters run 100
  5. Whats wrong with outdoor? Its just as good as indoor if you know what your doing and you get more yield per plant
  6. I cant see pics on mobile :/
  7. looks pretty good and in new mexico that is a great price. my grandma lives there and everytime i visit her i have to pay out the ass for anything decent.
  8. DAMN! Shit looks amazing, ive always wanted to try legit acapulco gold. great price too man happy days ahead.

  9. Yea man the only reason most outdoor is shit is because people cant tend to their plants as much because their to paranoid of getting seen therefore people think outdoor is shit
  10. shits cooking man hit it pup
  11. 505 represent. looking good bro

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