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NJ to legalize

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by NolaN24, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. New Jersey Legislative Hearing on Medical Marijuana Scheduled

    WHO: The Health and Senior Services Committee of the New Jersey State Assembly
    WHAT: Will consider the "New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act” (A804)
    WHEN: Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 10:00 a.m.
    WHERE: Committee Room #16 in the New Jersey State House Annex

    The Healthand Senior Services Committee of the New Jersey State Assemblywill conduct a hearing on “The New Jersey Compassionate Use Medical Marijuana Act” A804, on Thursday, June 4, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. in Committee Room # 16 in the State House Annex. The Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc., (CMMNJ) has supported this bill since it was originally introduced in January 2005. The assembly health committee held an informational hearing on the bill in May 2008, but the upcoming hearing will be the committee's first opportunity to vote on the issue. “We hope that the bill will pass out of committee with a recommendation for a favorable vote by the entire Assembly,” said Ken Wolski, RN, Executive Director of CMMNJ.

    The New Jersey Senate approved the bill in February 2009 and Governor Jon Corzine has promised to sign the bill when it gets to his desk. Attorney General Anne Milgram has said that the bill is “workable,” and every major newspaper in New Jersey has editorially endorsed this bill. Americans approve of medical marijuana by an overwhelming margin, according to all polls. Nurse Wolski calls marijuana a safe, effective and inexpensive therapeutic agent and is convinced that marijuana will be legal for patients to use throughout the country, eventually. “Yet every day,” he said, “I hear of another seriously ill New Jersey patient who is suffering needlessly without it, or who has been arrested for using medical marijuana. This is not only inhumane; it is a terrible waste of state resources.”

    Many professional healthcare organizationshave endorsed medical marijuana including the New Jersey State Nurses Association, the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians, the New Jersey Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, the New Jersey League for Nursing, and the New Jersey Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. However, marijuana is not available in pharmacies yet, so New Jersey patients or their caregivers would have to grow their own marijuana, as patients are allowed to do in the 13 other states that approve its use. The senate version of the bill provided for the establishment of collective gardens in the form of Alternative Treatment Centers. If approved, New Jersey would be the 14th state in the U.S. to pass legislation protecting patients who use marijuana with a doctor's recommendation.

    For more info, contact:
    Ken Wolski, RN, MPA, Executive Director
    Coalition for Medical Marijuana--New Jersey, Inc.
    844 Spruce St., Trenton, NJ 08648
  2. Good luck to NJ
  3. well i really hope this gets somewhere soon. Got my sample ballott the other day for elections...

    i am currently being prosecuted for using MJ and having a pipe in my car, dumb on my part, yes, but also pretty aggrivating bc I personally know the benefits of it for me. Also very aggrivating that while a law is in the process of being passed, Im getting ripped a new one...getting out of this state soon anyway, but it would be nice to know that something has been done about it
  4. Any word on what kind of requirements youd have to meet to be allowed to use MMJ?

  5. click his link...the whole bill is spelled out... :thumb up:

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