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Nj Stoners

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by MrRoor420, Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Who Here Is A Nj Stoner :smoke: ?????
  2. Two thumbs at this girl!

  3. Hell yeah - up in 973.
  4. raises hand. I feel stucc though because I'm confined to only being able to get certain strains either sour disel or purp
  5. [quote name='"JerseyRed"']Two thumbs at this girl!


    Nice Over Here In Newark
  6. [quote name='"GQrawelements"']raises hand. I feel stucc though because I'm confined to only being able to get certain strains either sour disel or purp[/quote]

    where in jersey are you at

  7. Middlesex county here...
    I've realized in Jersey, unnamed strains, purp, and sour D is all we have. Hard to run into something else for my experiences.
  8. Original NJ Stoner in 732,now I'm living down here in Delaware :(.Representing NJ all day every day :D.
  9. [quote name='"MrRoor420"']

    where in jersey are you at[/quote]

    the briccs. I just moved from NY and I had a afghan gooey connect but he got caught a charge so I'm stucc with sour or purp. the sour I get is good though it's as potent as when the strain first hit the scene bacc when I was in h.s. I was fortunate to get my hands on some pink kush in the briccs but that was a bit of serendipity
  10. [quote name='"JerseyDank"']

    Middlesex county here...
    I've realized in Jersey, unnamed strains, purp, and sour D is all we have. Hard to run into something else for my experiences.[/quote]

    yeah this shit is bad
  11. 732 born and raised!! I had to stop smoking but sour, purp, and no names was the usual. With the occasional mango or blueberry
  12. 732 man. It's true. Sour, purp and no names is all I get too. My guy got a half of some shit from newark once and holy fuck. We smoked a blunt as usual between 4 of us and by the end it was us just sitting there all rapping with biggie for at least 5 songs straight lol. Good times.
  13. NJ stoner checking in. I go to Kean in Union if yall know where thats it.

    and i got some Grand Daddy Purp off some guy who came to my college, but never can be too sure. also copped some Blue Dream and Green Crack off these guys who sell at my school, but cant really be too sure on if its legit or not.
  14. I think some of the best bud ive got was in my town, paterson, newark and JC.
  15. Hells yeah, 908. For the most part, I agree that there is pretty much only sour and purp to be found around here. Luckily I know a guy who can get his hands on some other strains like Mauie Wowie, Blue Cheese, Trainwreck, and some other good ones.
  16. Central Jersey Represnting :hello: Really? Ive gotten so many different strains not just the 3, maybe Im just luck:smoke:
  17. [quote name='"DJSour kush"']Original NJ Stoner in 732,now I'm living down here in Delaware :(.Representing NJ all day every day :D.[/quote]

  18. [quote name='"GQrawelements"']

    the briccs. I just moved from NY and I had a afghan gooey connect but he got caught a charge so I'm stucc with sour or purp. the sour I get is good though it's as potent as when the strain first hit the scene bacc when I was in h.s. I was fortunate to get my hands on some pink kush in the briccs but that was a bit of serendipity[/quote]

    I Get Some Fire Ass Kush ,Bubba Kush, silver haze ,sour, purp Mad Different Nomb Shit
  19. [quote name='"GQrawelements"']

    yeah this shit is bad[/quote]

    Im In Essex County . You Can Get Alot Of Kinects With Crazy Strains But Obviosly Not Ass Good As People In Cali And People With Meds Are Smoking

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