Nixon commented high treason

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by thelizardkin, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. I'm not sure if anyone here has herd this but newly discovered files and tapes have shown that nixon sabotaged peace talks between the north and the south Vietnamese so he would be elected president and that the watergate break in was to recover these tapes this means nixon commented high treason against the USA and led to the deaths of thousands of Americans and Vietnamese so he could become president
    LBJ Tapes Show Richard Nixon May Have Committed Treason By Sabotaging Vietnam Peace Talks
  2. That's 40 year old news, man. Which comment were you referring to?
  3. LOL @ "commented."

    Lincoln also committed treason by making war on the states -- it defines this right in the constitution. Dubya Bush lied us into an illegal war, Obama continues it.

    All presidents are liars and most are murderers.

    And nobody cares.
  4. Commented, huh?

  5. Omg your sig gets me everytime. I remember that thread and I was Rollin when I read that haha!

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