Nirvana kicks so much ass. I've been addicted to the music for months now. It's odd that of all the things to be addicted to it would be Nirvana...and cheeze-its Anyway, I find that when I'm really blazed it can be like a rollercoaster ride in my head. I was on DXM one time and I actually thought that I would die if my trip sitter turned Nirvana off. Oh, and Just for the record, I don't think Kurt Cobain commited suicide.
I read about it. Most of the evidence just does not point to sucide. Either way though, Kurt Cobain is still one of the best musicians ever!
i was a huge nirvana fan when i was preteen/early teen...kurt cobain was the man!!! however, he met the wrong woman in courtney love
Yeah, i know about the conspiracy. I think its been spun around by the fans. Kurt Cobain shot himself and shortly after that Courtney Love (a leach) made her move taking all the money. I doubt she had him killed. I just think she capitalized on the situation imo.