Ii dnt mean to double post in diff sections but people just arent helping me i am newer at this only one real grow So im germin 3 bubblishious 3 jock horror both auto fems just wanna kno the pros take on these seeds also 3 wonderwoman fems not auto supposed to yield incredible amouts
My question is are nirvana autos bad anyone out there that has successful grow of nirvana autos please reply
http://forum.grasscity.com/cannabis-seeds-banks/629934-question-about-nirvanas-autoflowers.html That might help you
Thanks stillblazing123 helps alot Out of the six i germed 72 hours ago all 3 jocks and 2 of three bubblicious so far and they sre definatly v about half the size of any seed ive germed very hreen n happy looking so far i will start a thread in organic growing if u would like to follow along